Welcome to the Lancaster Glossary of Child Development
This glossary represents an extended version of that published in
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development 2nd Edition). Information contained in many terms to be found in the encyclopedia has been expanded. In addition, new terms have been added that were mentioned in the encyclopedia’s published glossary, but which were not defined, and cross-references made among terms. The large number of terms reflects the great diversity of topics that are germane to the study of child development from a multidisciplinary perspective. At this stage, it should be considered as a work in progress.
If you have comments or criticisms of terms in this extended glossary, please contact the editor, Brian Hopkins (
j.b.hopkins@lancaster.ac.uk). Corrections and additions to any of the terms are welcome, and if accepted they will be incorporated and acknowledged as coming from you.
The electronic version of the glossary, and plans for its future development, is the result of a collaborative project between Brian Hopkins and Simon Slavin.
How to use this glossary
To browse the entries see the ‘Documents’ page or click on the ‘Documents’ link in the top right corner of any page.
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If all you want to do is see definitions, then you can leave the page like that. But clicking the ‘i’ icon allows you to see two extra pieces of information about each entry: pages related to it: