Implicate order

A part of the more general concept of holomovement as advanced by David Bohm (1917-1992), which deals with nature of physical reality from the viewpoint of quantum mechanics and other similar theories in physics.  The concept holds that the ultimate nature of such reality is an undivided whole that is a constant state of dynamical flux and not a collection of static and separate objects as they appear to us.  Thus, holomovement consists of not just an explicate order (what is directly observable), but also an implicate or hidden order in what appears on the surface to be simply chance or randomness.  Human development, and cognitive development in particular, might be conceptualized as a process of seeking implicate order in the explicate order of everyday life through the medium of exploratory actions. 

See Appearance-reality distinction, Chaos, Ecological psychology, Embodied cognition, Explanation, Exploration, Order, Quantum mechanics