National Literacy Strategy

In the UK, a government-driven policy (1999) initiative aimed at raising standards of literacy and targeting all primary school pupils (ages 4-11), and also low-attaining early secondary school pupils (ages 12-14).  The strategy emphasises not only the curriculum content of word, sentence and text level analysis in reading and writing, but also a teaching method that focuses on whole-class teaching.  Effectiveness of the strategy and its delivery in schools is judged by Standard Attainment Tests (SATS) at ages 7, 11 and 14.  Cohort results are publicly available in school league tables. A number of related National Strategies addressing teaching and learning that are no longer in operation have been updated and deposited in the National Archives on a website accessible to users.   

See Cohort, Orthographic reading skills, Phonological reading skills, Reading comprehension, Schooling