
Judgments, emotions, and actions pertaining to ethical decisions about right and wrong or good and bad in social relationships and beyond.  Typically, morality is expressed as a moral code (a system of morality derived from a particular culture, philosophy, religion and the like).  In this respect, there are two codes.  One is the Golden Rule (or ethic of reciprocity), an example being ‘treating others as would treat yourself’.  The other is the contrasting Silver Rule: ‘do not do others what you would not want them to do to you’, and is similar in stance to the Hippocratic Oath.  Morality, and moral judgements in particular, have been related to thinking about their implications for a theory of mind.          

See Conscience, Game(s) theory, Justice, Moral development, Moral judgments, Moral philosophy, Theory of the child’s mind (ToM)