
The formation, growth and development of the embryo during approximately the first two months of human life after conception.  In metazoan embryological development, there are six principal stages appearing before the functional period: maturation, fertilization, blastula, gastrula and neurula, the latter coinciding with the formation of the neural tube. 

See Anlage, Blastomere, Blastula, Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Caenorhabditis (C.) elegans (or nematode), Chondrification, Cortical plate, Ectoderm, Embryo, Gastrula, Hensen’s node, Limb bud, Mesencephalon, Mesoderm, Metazoan, Microtubules, Neural plate, Neurula, Neural tube, Notochord, Oocytes, Oogenia, Permissive interaction, Pia mater