Calcarine sulcus (or fissure)

Discovered and named by Thomas H. Huxley (1825-1895) in 1861 during his pursuit of the ‘hippocampus minor’ in non-human primates, it is a sulcus located in layer VI of the occipital lobe that begins under the posterior end of the corpus callosum and arches to the occipital pole.  The visual cortex is arranged around this sulcus (see figure below).  The central visual field is represented in the anterior portion of the sulcus, and the peripheral visual field in the anterior portion.

Calcarine sulcus, shown as a blue line on this sMRI image in the saggital (vertical) plane

See Corpus callosum, Hippocampus, Occipital cortex (or lobe), Sulcus, Primary visual cortex (V1), Visual cortex