
The study of the mechanical and physical basis of biological systems, with particular reference to Newton’s laws of motion and his law of universal gravitation.  In terms of muscle biomechanics, the polymath and Danish Catholic bishop Nicolas Stenson (1638-1686), also known as Steno (as well as the ‘father of geology’), was the first person to put forward a theory about the generation of muscle force (viz., it was generated as the sum of total forces produced by the sub-units of the parallel fascicles).  Biomechanics is better regarded as a methodology, rather than a discipline.

See Biomechanical degrees of freedom, Center of gravity, Center of mass, Dynamics, Force, Kinematics, Kinetics, Moment of force, Moment of inertia (I), Movement (or motor) coordination, newton, Newtonian (or classical mechanics), Newton’s law of motion, Newton’s law of universal gravitation, Torque