
A generic term for minute structures in a cell that have a particular function.  Examples include: flagella, the nucleus, mitochondria, ribsomes and lysosomes (an enzyme in a membrane-bound sac in the cytoplasm required for the digestion of material in food, the destruction of foreign particles entering the cell, and the breakdown of all cell structures when …

Ordinal variables

Variables in which higher numbers indicate higher levels of that which is measured, but the differences between adjacent numbers are not necessarily equal.  Thus, what matters is the order, but not the values between variables.  On ordinal measurement scales. they imply ordering of categories while the quantitative distance between levels is unknown, and the meaning …


Outside the context of mathematics where it is the number of times a given function has to be differentiated to obtain a given derivative, it a qualitative statistical concept applicable to the law of entropy that refers to the regularity of arrangements or sequences of objects, numbers or events.  In this respect, it is different from …

Order parameter

A low-dimensional descriptor that expresses co-operative relationships between the many degrees of freedom found in complex systems, and which serves to simplify this description for an external observer.  Order parameters are determined by and created from the cooperation of microscopical quantities, while at the same time they govern the qualitative behavior of the whole system …

Optical tomography

This fNIRS method involves acquiringmultiple measurements of light at differing source-detector separationspositioned over a large area of tissue simultaneously or in rapid succession.  Consequently, as the different separations penetrate tissue at differentdepths, optical tomography can measure cortical activation in 3-D space.  Tomeasure the whole brain, this method is inherently restricted by thepenetration depth and reflectance …

Optical topography

A fNIRS method that involves acquiringmultiple measurements of light at differing source-detector separationspositioned over a large area of tissue simultaneously or in rapid succession.Consequently, as the different separations penetrate tissue at differentdepths, optical tomography can measure cortical activation in 3-D space. Tomeasure the whole brain, this method is inherently restricted by thepenetration depth and reflectance …

Optic nerve

The second pair of 12 cranial nerves, sometimes treated as being part of the central nervous system.  Containing 1.2 million ganglion axons, it has far fewer than the number of receptors in the retina, which number above 125 million.  This arrangement suggests that quite of large deal of pre-processing takes place in the retina before …

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

Common childhood onset symptom constellation dominated by negativism, temper tantrums, labile mood, aggression and quarrelsome attitude.  Children with ODD may also manifest learned helplessness and a lack of self-esteeem.  Signs of ODD usually show before 8 years-of-age, perhaps somewhat later, but always before the teenage period.  The signs appear gradually and then get worse over …