
In statistics, a set of ordered values in a column (or row) of a matrix, or a matrix with only one column or row. In mathematics and physics, it includes a quantity for which the magnitude and direction must be stated. Examples of vector quantities are force and velocity, the latter being different from speed …


Narrowing of the blood vessels. Nicotine, for example, elicits vasoconstriction in placental and fatal vascular beds, reducing oxygen and nutrients accessible to the fetes, and thus increasing the risk for intrauterine growth retardation . See Carboxyhemoglobin (CoHb), Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), Hypoxia, Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), Nicotine


An attribute or characteristic that can change or vary or be expressed as more than one value or in various values or categories.  The opposite of a variable is a constant.  See Concept, Confounding variable, Error score, Experimental method, Ordinal variables, Parameter (statistics)