The emotion labeled pride is the consequence of a successful evaluation of a specific action. The phenomenological experience might be described as joy over an action, thought, or feeling well done. Here, again, the focus of pleasure is specific and related to a particular behavior. In pride, just as in guilt, the self and object …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Preventive interventions
Programs targeted toward at-risk individuals or populations to prevent the development of social adjustment problems, injuries and illnesses, as well as disabilities and disorders more generally. Sometimes referred to as primary intervention (intervening before a problem has arisen) in contrast to secondary intervention (intervening while a problem is developing), and tertiary intervention (intervening after a …
Preterm infant
One delivered or born before 37 weeks of pregnancy have elapsed since the last normal menstrual period. There are various ways of classifying and comparing preterm infants. One is based on the absence or presence of age-related risk factors, giving rise to distinctions between low-risk versus high-risk preterm infants, and another is derived from the degree …
Current cases of a specified condition or disease in a defined age group. Includes cases that have migrated in, but excludes those who have died or migrated out. It provides an estimate of the probability (P, risk) that an individual will be ill at that point in time, with the total relevant population as the …
The use of objects in non-literal ways. It involves assertions that do not depend on being either true or false, and actions that do not depend upon being in factual accord with reality. You can assert that you are a pretend frog and be safe from being disproved by someone pointing out that you are …
Preterm birth
The live birth of an infant with a gestational age of 36 weeks or less. While the birth of infants before term age runs in families, suggesting a hereditary component, the causes of a preterm birth are not properly understood. The most effective preventive treatment appears to be extensive bed rest during pregnancy for women …
Preschool children
Usuallly refers to children aged 3 and 4 years, older than toddlers, who may be in nursery school or kindergarten but are not yet in compulsory school education. See Kindergarten, Nursery school
Premotor cortex
Consisting of frontal lobe cortical regions located anterior to the primary motor cortex and about six times larger, and ventrally and laterally to the supplementary motor area, it serves a number of functions such as the initiation of movements controlled by vision and touch, and is involved in postural control as well. The recipient of …
Simply put, the act of reaching for and grasping an object. For detailed innovative overview of the development and evolution of prehension, see See Action, Catching, Fine motor abilities, Functional reaching, Grasp response, Object-directed behaviors, Pincer grasp (or grip), Palmar grasp, Pre-reaching