The negative forces that keep persons apart . See Attractions
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Reproductive success
The number of offspring an individual produces, usually per unit time (reproductive rate) or over a give period of time . See r- and k- selection
Representation (mental)
1. The capacity to make one thing stand for something else. Representations consist of a symbolic vehicle and a referent. The symbolic vehicle is that which does the representing (e.g., a word, an image, a picture). The referent consists of that which is represented (e.g., an event, a meaning, an object) in the real or …
Representational re-description
A process whereby mental representations are iteratively re-represented to the mind in different formats, rendering what was originally encapsulated knowledge accessible to other parts of the cognitive system . See Representation (mental)
Representation (cultural)
A culturally created and shared artefact intended to stand for an entity, event or relation in the real or imagined world. See Culture, Representation (mental)
Repeated measures analysis of variance
Analysis of variance of measures that are repeatedly observed on the same respondents, who thus serve as their own controls. Such a within-subject design has two advantages: more data per participant and more power because between-subject differences can be factored out of the error term. An important assumption in such designs is that of sphericity. …
generally, the ability to reproduce others‚aa results, and regarded as a hallmark of scientific inquiry . See Construct equivalence, Reliability
Remodeling of vocal tract anatomy
Developmental reshaping of the human vocal tract that occurs between birth and childhood.
The extent to which a measure, procedure or an instrument yields the same result with repeated testing. See Cohen’s kappa coefficient, Error score, Internal consistency, Inter-rater reliability, Measurement efficacy, Measurement error, Multitrait-multimethod matrix, Replicability, Validity
REM sleep
Abbreviation for ‘rapid-eye movement sleep, referred to also as paradoxical or active sleep, and one of the five EEG sleep stages identified by the eyes moving side-to-side underneath the lids and by electrophysiological wave signals emitted by the brain that are relatively fast, short in height, and somewhat erratic (as is heart rate and breathing …