Electrophysiological studies, generally performed on non-humans, in which electrical activity is recorded from groups of neurones via electrodes placed directly in the brain.
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A figure of speech and a trope in which something is explicitly compared with something else using the word ‚alike‚aa or ‚aaas‚aa (e.g., “solving a non-linear differential equation is like trying to paddle a canoe in a force 10 gale; you end up feeling battered, but with a sense of achievement”). A metaphor is a …
Signs (linguistics)
A type of signifier or representational vehicle consisting of arbitrary sound sequences (or hand movements, as in American sign language) that represent shared meanings within a given linguistic community. Signs are generative in the sense that they can be effortlessly combined to generate novel meanings. See American sign language, British sign language, Communication, Culture, Mutual …
Signs and symptoms
Strictly speaking the two terms are not interchangeably, although in practice they often treated as synonyms. Diagnosis (or diacrisis), Mental retardation, Neurological ‘soft’ signs, Neuronal migration disorders, Nosology, Psychopathology
Welcome to the Lancaster Glossary of Child Development This glossary represents an extended version of that published in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development 2nd Edition). Information contained in many terms to be found in the encyclopedia has been expanded. In addition, new terms have been added that were mentioned in the encyclopedia’s published glossary, but which …
brothers and sisters
Sickle cell disease
An inherited and chronic red blood cell disorder that can cause pain, damage in blood vessels and low blood count. It is said that 8/100 African Americans are carriers if the disease, even though they do not live in malarial areas. Also found in the eastern Mediterranean, parts of the Gulf, and in northeastern India. …
Sibling rivalry
feelings of jealousy and competition for parents‚aa affection or attention between brothers and sisters . See Sibling conflict
SI unit
A measure of a physical quantity (e.g., length, mass, time) specified by the internationally agreed Systeme Internationale d’Units. It makes clear the relationship between a physical quantity (e.g., length) and the unit with which it is expressed (e.g., length = nm, where n = a numerical value and m = the SI unit of length, …
Sibling conflict
consists of fights or arguments between brothers and sisters, generally based on both children acting on goals that are incompatible with one another . See Sibling rivalry