Social relations model

A statistical model designed to determine the extent to which behaviour is determined by the Actor (the person whose behaviour is under consideration), the Partner (the target of the behaviour), or the qualities of the Relationship between the Actor and Partner . See Social relationships

Social referencing

A form of appraisal in which an infant looks toward another person, often a parent, for information about how to react and feel about an ambiguous event or uncertain situations in the environment. See Communication, Mutual gaze, Still-face paradigm

Social network

A complex constellation of interdependent social relationships, such as close friendships and family relationships, as well as the larger peer group and social community.  See Ecological systems theory, Socialization, Sociometry

Social learning theory

Following Albert Bandura, the theory that draws attention to learning through the observation and imitation of others’ behavior in the acquisition of social skills.  See Emulation, Imitation, Observational learning, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)