Externalism (education)

The view that an educational account should focus on the beliefs and practices of teachers and learners with reference to the interpretations available in other disciplines in the social sciences, including psychology.  See Education, Interdisciplinarity, Internalism


A function that varies as the power or exponent of another quantity.  If y = ax, then y varies exponentially with x.  Exponential functions or series involve the constant e = 2.71828 … (the base of natural or Napierian logarithms).  See Asymptote, Developmental function, Exponential change


As a developmental concept, it refers to actions that reveal new possibilities for interacting with objects and people through obtaining information about the world and about oneself.  See Action, Ecological psychology, Experience

Explicit (or declarative) and implicit (or non-declarative) memory

Both are classes of long-term memory.  Explicit memory, also referred to as episodic memory, is conscious memory (i.e., the conscious recollection and recall of information previously learnt). Implicit memory is unconscious memory (i.e., memory that does not require the conscious or intentional recognition of information previously learnt).  Amnesic patients typically perform normally on tasks involving …

Explanans and explanandum

A part of the formal structure of scientific explanation.  The explanandum `or conclusion is the fact to be explained, while the explanans is the explanatory account or argument that rationalizes the explanandum (i.e., an account used to answer the why question).  This distinction provides the means for identifying different types of scientific explanations.  See Deductive-nomological …