Fundamental frequency (F₀)

The lowest frequency (first harmonic) of a periodic signal, such as the tone of the human voice.  The partials above the fundamental frequency are called harmonics of the fundamental frequency, and the class of sound harmonic.  Harmonic sounds are periodic, with their period being the same as its fundamental, and they have a definite pitch. …

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)

A non-invasive opticalimaging method involving the quantification of chromophore concentration, whichis resolved from the measurement of changes in near-infrared (NIR) lightattenuation (a chromophore being a chemical group that can absorb light at a specific frequency to give a molecule color to a molecule.  Biologicaltissue is relatively transparent to light in the near-infrared part of thespectrum.  Therefore …

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

An imaging technique utilizing the small differences in regional blood flow that accompany the neural activity in the brain associated with performance of a cognitive or motor task as compared to that found during a period of rest (the baseline).  It evaluates cerebral blood flow by looking at the difference between venous oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin …

Functional experience

Experience that appears to the observer to be functionally relevant to the behavior in question.  For example, the experience of ingesting food appears to be functionally relevant to the behavior of pecking in birds.   See Experience, Function

Functional imaging

A procedure that measures the quick, tiny metabolic and/or electrical changes taking place in an active part of the brain [e.g., by means of positron emission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electrical measurements of evoked responses (ERP), and magnetoencephalography (MEG)].  See Brain (neuro-) imaging


A term with a wide array of different meanings.  Stated simply, it is the actions and activities assigned to, expected of, or required of an organism or group or relationship.  In mathematics, it is used whenever some quantity (viz., the dependent variable) is regarded as being determined by other quantities (viz., the independent variable).  In …

Fructose intolerance

Fructose is a sugar contained in fruits.  Intolerance (or malabsorption) of fructose can give rise to prolonged or ‘colicky’ crying in early infancy, but this is rare.  Such infants typically respond well to a fructose-free diet.     See Colic, Lactose intolerance