
Pathological decrease of impulse control, often encountered in ADHD and Tourette’s syndromes, that is.deletrious to self or others, and which may or may not be accompanied by feelings of guilt.  There is evidence that poor impulse control turns out to be a better predictor of delinquency than IQ.  See Attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), Continuous …


In ethology, a rapid early learning of identifying features of parents (filial imprinting) and/or of mating partners (sexual imprinting).  Also considered to be the process by which early experience promotes the development of perceptual mechanisms.  It is often restricted to a critical or sensitive period, particularly in birds.  See Competitive exclusion model, Critical period, Ethology, …


Consonants produced along with a sudden descent of the larynx so that air is drawn back into the mouth. The drawing back of air into the mouth is referred to ‘glottalic ingressive airstream’.  See Consonant, Glottal, Larynx


A physical or mental defect at the level of a body system or organ. The official World Health Organization (2001) definition is: any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function.  See Cerebral palsy, Developmental coordination disorder (DCD), Developmental dyspraxia, Disability, Disorder, Double dissociation, Handicap, Minor neurological dysfunction (MND), Normality