Internal validity

The degree to which differences between experimental and control groups can be attributed to the variables manipulated in an experiment, as opposed to extraneous factors.  See Convergent validity, Construct validity, Discriminant validity, Ecological validity, Experimental method, Qualitative research, Validity

Internalism (education)

The view that an educational account should focus on the beliefs and practices of teachers and learners without reference to the interpretations available in allied disciplines in the social sciences, including psychology.  See Externalism, Interdisciplinarity

Internal speech

Sub-vocal speech articulation.  Highly self-aware individuals use inner speech significantly more frequently compared to less self-aware individuals.  Brain-imaging studies have shown that inner speech is associated with activation of the left inferior frontal area.  In contrast, the monitoring of one’s own speech (auditory verbal imagery), by means of imagining the sentences they generated when spoken …

Intermodal coordination

The ability to associate sensory input from one modality to that of another.  See Active intermodal matching, Amodal, Cross-modal coordination, Cross-modal matching, Intermodal perception, Intersensory redundancy hypothesis, Lateral geniculate nucleus (or body)

Intermodal perception

Perceiving relationships among different types of sensory input.  The development of intermodal perception has been reviewed in a large number of papers over the years.    See Active intermodal matching, Amodal, Intermodal coordination, Intersensory redundancy hypothesis, Perceptual development


In a general sense, it involves all attempts to reorganize and integrate scientific knowledge along lines other than those defined by the specializations of contemporary disciplines.  See Accreditation Criteria for Interdisciplinary Studies in General Education, Behavior genetics, Bio-X project, Bridge law (or principle), Discipline, Externalism (education), Inter-dependence, Interdiscipline, Inter-dependence, Internalism (education), Kinesiology