
A formalized representation of a class of phenomena (e.g., complex systems) that is simplified by ignoring certain details.  It derives from a theory and can become a kind of mini-theory when it characterizes a process and serves to guide and develop the theory further.  In science, a model can be either descriptive or predictive.  A …


The division of a cell to form two daughter cells, each having a nucleus containing the same number and kind of chromosomes as the mother cell.  Each chromosome divides lengthwise into two chromatids that separate and form into the chromosomes of the resulting daughter cells.  The process consists of four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase, …

Mixed-effects models

A set of statistical techniques used to estimate parameters about 1. fixed effects based on groups (i.e., mean differences and regressions) as well as 2. random effects based on individual differences (i.e., variance and covariances). A fixed effectamounts to something that remains the same if an experiment is repeated (e.g.,age, gender).  A random effect issome entity than …

Minor neurological dysfunction (MND)

The presence of mild impairments observed during a neurological examination such as mild problems in muscle tone regulation and with co-ordination or fine manipulation.  See Developmental coordination disorder (DCD), Impairment, Muscle tone, Neurodevelopmental disorder, Neurological ‘soft’ signs

Mind reading

The ability to infer what someone else is thinking or feeling.  Also known as adopting the ‘intentional stance’.  It is not the same as mind sight (‘or empathic accuracy), which is a seemingly magical ability to predict someone’s thoughts from their words, emotions and ‘body language’.  Nor does have anything to do with the study …