
A coming together of two or more established disciplines to tackle an issue or problem of common interest that is perceived as being irresolvable within the confines of a single discipline.  Existing at the interstices of disciplines, it may as Thomas S. Kuhn (1922-1996) once said, develop into new discipline with its own borders and specializations, as was the case, for example, with biochemistry and biophysics.  Perhaps the best example of an interdiscipline that has not become a discipline is cybernetics.  More recently, the study of pattern formation has been called an interdiscipline.

See Accreditation Criteria for Interdisciplinary Studies in General Education, Artificial intelligence (AI), Behavior genetics, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cognitive neuroscience, Cognitive science, Connectionist models, Cybernetics, Discipline, Human Connecctome Project (HCP), Interdisciplinarity, Pattern formation