Sensory, short-term (STM) and long-term memory (LTM)

Sensory memory, which should not be confused with perceptual memory, is in effect a very short STM store that corresponds approximately to the moment when an item is perceived. STM is a memory system for holding a limited memory for periods up to about 20 to 30 seconds (but that can be renewed if information …

Sensorimotor realm

Concept referring to the basically sensorimotornature of the life sphere of every organism, including humans.  In human beings,all forms of abstract and symbolic thought and in fact everything that departsfrom the purely sensory motor experience of reality, can never be separatedfrom and are always embedded in sensorimotor experience and activity.  An example of this sensorimotor …

Sensorimotor actions

The first of four stages of cognitive development identified by Piaget. Sensorimotor actions consist of integrations of the sensory and motor aspects of organised actions. In Piaget‚was theory, infants are capable of sensorimotor action, but not thought. Thought requires the ability to represent images of objects or events in the absence of direct action on …

Sensitivity (attachment theory)

A sensitive mother is able to see things from the baby‚was point-of-view. She is alert to perceive her baby‚was signals, interprets them accurately, and responds appropriately and promptly, unless no response is most appropriate. She tends to give the baby what he seems to want, and when she does not she is tactful in acknowledging …