
The technical aspects of applying the prescriptions given in a procedure (e.g., applying the technique of forced-choice preferential looking in studying the recognition of faces by infants).  See Method, Paradigm, Procedure

Teacher Beliefs Scale

Assesses theextent to which early childhood teachers’ beliefs about classroom practice,including the importance of and strategies for building social competence amongchildren in the classroom, are aligned with current thinking about bestpractices.  Although the measure was tested with teachers in kindergartensettings, the content of the items is highly appropriate for pre-schoolteachers, and potentially for teachers of …

TE cortex

A region of the inferior temporal lobe that receives input from occipital cortex, processes it, and then sends it on to other regions further upstream (e.g., hippocampus).  See Face processing, Hippocampus, Occipital cortex (or lobe), Temporal lobe

Tay-Sachs disease

An inherited genetic disorder involving an autosomal recessive condition that causes progressive destruction of the central nervous system through the accumulation of lipids due to the absence of a vital enzyme called hexosaminidase that is important in the metabolism of gangliosides (fatty substances necessary for brain development). It is acquired early in gestation, but does …


Occurs when a child informs a third-party, usually an authority figure such as a teacher or a parent, of another child‚was or a group of children‚was behaviour with the usual intent to get that other child or group of children into trouble . See Gossip


A pleonasm (word redundancy) plus repetition that amounts to a circular definition. It can be defined in a number of related ways: the repetition of an idea in a different word, phrase, or sentence (e.g., “The annual psychology conference is held once a year”; “A tautological statement is a statement that is tautological”), a statement …