A classical conditioning procedure in which an association is formed between a neutral stimulus such as a tone and a response-eliciting stimulus such as a puff of air directed toward the eye. See Classical conditioning
Author Archives: Brian Hopkins
Eye movements
Movements of the eyes, which are normally conjugate in that the two eyes move together in an integrated manner, and are controlled by various complex neural systems terminating on the motoneurons of the eye muscle nuclei, thereby enabling the simultaneous control of twelve muscles through six cranial nerves. There are five types of eye movements …
Events that occur outside of the organism or control process in question. See Intrinsic
Extrapyramidal system
The phylogenetically older one of two pyramidal systems that originate in the motor cortex, the other being the pyramidal system (or corticospinal tract). Together, they are responsible for the control and coordination of voluntary movements, as well as the maintenance of balance and posture. Thus, they are not functionally independent of each other, and interact …
A broad factor of temperament, including characteristics of gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement-seeking, and positive emotions. See Five Factor model, Impulsiveness, Impulsivity, Neuroticism, Surgency, Temperament
Extrafusal muscle fibers
The vast majority of skeletal muscle fibers that are not found within muscle spindles at their polar ends and are innervated by alpha motoneurons. When stimulated by a motoneuron, actin filaments slide to overlap with myosin filaments, resulting in the muscle contracting. See Actin, Alpha (α) motoneuron, Direct corticospinal connections or tracts, Gamma (γ) motoneuron, …
Exteroceptive pain reflexes
A class of reflexes mediated by receptors located at or close to the body surface. They include, for example, the contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall when the overlying skin is stroked briskly. See Reflex
Extracellular matrix
A complex network of usually insoluble macromolecules made up of water, ions, fibrous and adhesive proteins, and long-chain sugars (polysaccharides) that is dispersed in the spaces between cells and tissues of the body, and in which cells are embedded. Thus, it is often referred to as a ‘biological glue’ as it is a source of …
Externalizing disorders/problems
Responses to stress that are directed toward others, such as aggression, anti-social behaviour, conduct disorder, delinquency, and rule-breaking behaviors. See Aggressive behavior, Conduct disorder, Internalizing disorders/problems, Social Skills Improvement (SSI
External validity
The degree to which the results of an experiment or study on particular groups of participants generalise to the population at large. One way of checking external validity is by means of replicating experiments or studies. See Community survey, Convergent validity, Construct validity, Discriminant validity, Ecological validity, Experimental method, Generalization, Internal validity, Quantitative research, Validity