Where two or more events affect each others properties, in the sense that neither can be fully understood outside of its relationship to the other. See Holism, Systems approaches. Whole great than sum of parts
Author Archives: Brian Hopkins
Interactive specialization approach (or hypothesis)
One of three general approaches to developmental cognitive neuroscience that assumes postnatal functional brain development involves a process of organizing inter-regional interactions so that the response properties of a specific region may be determined by its patterns of connectivity to other regions and their current activity states. It means that the brain is not initially …
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Intercostal muscles
External and internal muscles between the ribs essential to breathing (see figure below). Preterm infants have difficulties in coordinating these muscles during breathing such that the diaphragm moves out on inspiration and in on expiration (so-called paradoxical breathing). Action of the intercostal muscles during inspiration and expiration. A: Ribs, B: Sternum, C: External intercostal muscles, D: Internal intercostal muscles, …
When a person’s behavior acts as a stimulus or cue for the behavior of another person, and vice versa. See Bi-directional relationships, Bi-directionality, Co-regulation, Communication, Emotional competence, Intuitive parenting, Maternal responsiveness, Parenting, Parental styles, Proximal processes, Reciprocity, Still-face paradigm
There are two ways philosophers have distinguished intentionality: 1. intentional sign (or true intentionality): mental representation of a goal to be attained or a certain effect to be produced, and 2. intentional act (or intentional communication): an awareness that one’s behavior can produce outcomes or effects in general. Sometimes referred to in the psychology of learning as ‘contingency …
Inter-rater reliability
A measure of agreement between raters such as the intraclass correlation or kappa, the latter accounting for chance agreements. See Cohen’s kappa coefficient, Measurement efficacy, Reliability
Intentional stance
See Mind reading
The ability to learn and think and to adjust to the environment. A definition offered by David Wechsler (1896-1981) goes as follows: “The aggregate of global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and the deal effectively with his environment (1958, p. 7).” This definition fits well with that offered by Robert …
The higher the amplitude of the sound wave, the greater its intensity or loudness. Sound intensity is defined as the sound power per unit area in the air at the listener’s location. The SI units are watts/m2 or watts/cm2 See Fundamental frequency (Fo), Pitch, SI unit
A large family of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) that promote adhesions of cells to the extracellular matrix or the surface of other cells. Like other CAMs, they have been shown to have important functions in the formation of the cerebral and cerebellar cortices. See Adhesion molecules, Cadherins, Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), Cell locomotion, Extracellular matrix, …