Neural crest

The (two) lines of ectodermal cells, adjacent to the strip of ectoderm (folding into the neural tube during neurulation), from which the dorsal ganglia and various cell types (e.g.,Schwann cells) arise.  In fact, itdevelops into most of the peripheral nervous system (neurons and glial cells).  Neural crest cells, which tend to undergo longmigrations, give rise to various tissues throughout the body, among which arenon-neural tissues (e.g., satellite cells of ganglia, Schwann cells).  

See Adrenal medulaa, Blastopore, Brain-derived neurotrophuc factor (BDNF), Cell migration, Dorsal root ganglia (DRG), Ectoderm, Gastrulation, Glial cells, Meninges, Mesenchyme, Neural tube, Neurulation, Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), Peripheral nervous system, Pia mater, Placed, Schwann cells, Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) .