Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development

Theories of cognitive development that preserve important tenets of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development while addressing trenchant criticisms of the theory.  Neo-Piagetian theorists are generally not committed to a strong doctrine of developmental stages (structures d’ensemble), but attempt to retain the notion of domain-specific transformations of cognitive structures in terms of a series of levels, with each level typically being cast as setting limits or constraints on functioning.  Theorists include Robbie Case, Theo Dawson, Andreas Demetriou, Kurt Fischer, Graeme Halford, Juan Pascual-Leone and others. 

See Abstractions, Agentic processes, Biogenetic processes, Bridging, Domain-specific, Developmental epistemology, Hierarchy, Mappings, Levels of development, Mappings, Méthode clinique, Reflex, Skill (specific), Structures d’ensemble