Exponential change

Continuous change that either accelerates or decelerates so that the pattern of change is curvilinear [J-shaped or S-shaped (sigmoid)].  A snowball rolling downhill changes exponentially with time since when it is twice as big, it gathers snow twice as fast.  A prime example of exponential change is contained in the theory of population pressure devised by Thomas R. Malthus (1766-1834) as shown in the figure below: food production increases as a linear function (or what he called an ‘arithmetical ratio’) over historical time while a population changes exponentially (or what he termed as a ‘geometrical ratio’). 

According to the theory of population pressure, food production demonstrates linear change over historical time in contrast to the size of a population that manifests J-shaped exponential change across the same time scale. This theory was one of the essential building blocks of Darwin’s theory of natural selection (the other being artificial selection). 

 See Differential equation, Exponential, Logistic growth curve, Polynomial, Theory of natural selection, Theory of population pressure