Page to Stage

Moving from play to stage
We offer students many ways to move from page to stage, or words to performance.
Shakespeare at The Castle
Students studying Shakespeare here currently have the opportunity to take part (performing or in the creative team) in a full-scale summer Shakespeare performance at Lancaster’s spectacular Medieval Castle. Watch the 2023 production, Edward III – a play that may (or may not!) have been written by Shakespeare.
Your Work at the Dukes
Our term-long ‘Writing for the Stage’ undergraduate module is, currently, taught in Lancaster’s wonderful Dukes Theatre, and usually concludes with a performance showcase also at The Dukes.

The Lancaster Playwriting Prize
This annual competition has been running since 2018, is organised in partnership with The Dukes Theatre, and provides opportunities for students to be involved in the judging process. The prize is currently £1500, as well as a rehearsed reading of the winning play, plus mentoring. The Prize seeks to encourage writing for the stage among underrepresented writers in the North West. For details of the latest on the prize email creativecommunities@dukeslancaster.org