Project lead
Professor George Aggidis PhD, MSc, BEng(Hons), CEng, CMarEng, Eur Ing, MASME, FIMarEST, FEI, FIMechE, FIET
Professor of Energy EngineeringEnergy, Energy Lancaster, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, Renewables, TALOS, Tidal Energy
Project members
Dr Elena Luchinskaya
Senior Teaching Fellow in Business AnalyticsCentre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
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Professor Gordon Walker
Professor (Project - Evaluating community interventions), Professor Emeritus, Professor (Project - Wetland Times)Critical Geographies, DEMAND - Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand, Energy Lancaster, Improving global stewardship, Innovation for a better environment
Professor Keith Beven
Professor EmeritusCentre for Global Eco-innovation , Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Sustainable Catchments, Understanding a changing planet, Water Science
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+44 (0)1524 848766
Professor Louise Heathwaite
Executive Chair, Natural Environment Research Council (External Secondment), Distinguished ProfessorEnvironmental and Biogeochemistry, Improving global stewardship, Sustainable Catchments
Dr Paul McKenna
Business Partnerships ManagerEnergy Lancaster