Work with us

Industry and society are facing ever more complex energy challenges requiring industry, government and organisations to work together. The breadth of expertise & facilities at the disposal of Energy Lancaster; together with our ability to bring together a diverse pool of talent in partnership, allows for novel approaches and creative solutions keeping our partners and us at the forefront of addressing the Energy Challenge.

Wide-ranging expertise, facilities and projects

We can tap into energy expertise from across the University and our external collaborative partners. Our extensive, fully equipped research and development facilities enable partners to work alongside our researchers and dedicated technicians in a unique collaborative environment, developing and testing new products and processes for global markets. We also offer co-location space, meaning partners can work side-by-side with our specialists on joint projects.

Collaborative Projects

We have a dedicated Partnerships and Business Engagement Team who can put together different packages to suit the needs of external organisations wishing to work with the university. They can also assist in identifying and procuring support for joint projects from funding bodies and charities.

Examples of joint research project opportunities include:

  • Seed funding for short proof of concept projects
  • Joint applications for collaborative project funding through initiatives such as INNOVATE UK, GCRF and more
  • Funding or co-funding of 3.5 year PhD studentships to investigate a particular question in detail -ideal for fundamental or proof-of-concept studies
  • Funding or co-funding of post-doctoral researchers to work on projects in Energy Lancaster laboratories -ideal for development or follow-on projects
  • Employees of partner organisations can undertake research placements through the collaborative Technology Access Programme with full access to Lancaster facilities

We invite local small and medium enterprises, large organisations, the public sector and academic researchers to discover how our expertise and capability could underpin their future successes, and form enduring partnerships with the Energy Lancaster to gain a technological and competitive advantage.

Benefits of Collaboration

  • Access specialist knowledge and emerging technologies
  • Access to events, conferences, technology demonstrations and specialist technical workshops
  • Gain extra resources through engagement activities
  • Tap into our global network
  • Work with us to develop new products and processes

Dedicated Partnerships Team

Our Partnerships and Business Engagement Team can help your organisation achieve its goals through sharing knowledge, resources, contacts and providing access to funded research and development. Energy Lancaster has an established track record in working in collaboration with a variety of external organisations and we are keen to develop new and existing partnerships with industry, charities, social enterprises and public sector institutes.

Contact Us

Got a challenge, want more information? Our experienced partnerships team will listen to your needs and help source the right skills, people and resources needed to solve your challenge.

Martin Gilmore

Martin Gilmore

Head of Partnerships and Business Engagement for Physical Sciences

B037, B - Floor, Science and Technology