PhD successes

Come and meet some of the people who have successfully completed their PhDs in our Department, subject to any corrections or amendments requested by the examiners.

Their theses will soon be available electronically and can be accessed via Lancaster University Library.

You can also view details of some earlier vivas in our Archive of PhD vivas.

Luke Ramsdale

Luke Ramdale

Luke was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education & Social Justice, and he has been supervised by Professor Jo Warin.

The title of the thesis is: How far has the cosmopolitanism of the IB become subverted by neoliberalism? A case study of an international school in Thailand viewed through the lens of Bourdieu.

Yinka Chinery

Yinka Chinery

Yinka was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education & Social Justice, and she has been supervised by Professor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of the thesis is: Exploring and Empowering Transition Stories: a narrative inquiry of students’ transition experiences into an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Mathematics classroom.

Amelia Gottler

Amelia Gottler

Amelia was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of the thesis is: Tickling the Digital Ivories: An Adults Experience of Learning a Musical Instrument Using a Mobile Application

Jonathan Hay

Jonathan Hay

Jonathan was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education & Social Justice, and he was supervised Professor by Jo Warin.

The title of the thesis is: Autism and Internationalised Schools: The Search for a Socially Just Education in the People’s Republic of China.

David Love

David Love

David was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Phil Moffitt.

The title of the thesis is: Building trust between Learning Designers and Subject Matter Experts in online course development: A case study.

Headshot Chris Tuffnell

Chris Tuffnell

Chris was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of the thesis is: Supporting the professional development of educators for blended learning design using TPACK: A design-based research study.

Janet De Vigne

Janet De Vigne

Janet was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Professor Jo Warin.

The title of her thesis is: 'I remember the smell of darkness’: a Deleuzean exploration of learning from secondary school negative lived experience among present day academics.

Headshot Majdah Alblooshi

Majdah Alblooshi

Majdah was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of the thesis is: The Impact of e-Maturity Models and Framework on Teaching and Learning Practices in the United Arab Emirates Government Schools.

Barbara Edwards

Barbara Edwards

Barbara was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research – Higher Education and she was supervised by Dr Janja Komljenovic.

The title of her thesis is: In what ways are quality assurance professionals in England responding to the regulatory changes under the Higher Education and Research Act, 2017, and what are the implications for the quality assurance of higher education teaching and learning? A social practice approach.

Liz Dovrat

Liz Dovrat

Liz was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of the thesis is: A Descriptive Multiple Case Study of the Factors and Practices of Sustainability in Co-Designed Virtual Exchanges.

Nathaniel Pickering

Nathaniel Pickering

Nathaniel was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Richard Budd.

The title of his thesis is: English higher education policy in uncertain times: An argumentative exploration of political speeches during the Global Financial Crash, Brexit, and COVID-19 crises

Margaret Chawawa

Margaret Chawawa

Margaret was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Professor Paul Ashwin.

The title of the thesis is: Digital Technologies and Analytics: An Investigation on University Academic Staff Perceptions of the Role ‘Big Data and Analytics’ might play in Teaching and Learning.

Sunil Banga

Sunil Banga

Sunil was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Janja Komljenovic.

The title of her thesis is: The political economy of knowledge production: The Knowledge Exchange Framework, Performativity and Social Justice.

Maisa Obeid

Maisa Obeid

Maisa was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of the thesis is: Institutional Change for Improving Digital Access: Accessibility Tools Alongside Training.

Abedelaziz Khalil

Abedelaziz Khalil

Abed was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of the thesis is: Qualitative variation in perceptions of Open Educational Practices by educators and academic administrators: A phenomenographic analysis.

John Stanfield

John Stanfield

John was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Dr Janja Komljenovic.

The title of the thesis is: Informal Learning using Hybrid Social Learning Networks for Continuing Professional Development Amongst Dental Professionals in the UK.

Cassandra Sturgeon Delia

Cassandra Sturgeon Delia

Cassandra was a member of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and was supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of the thesis is: Implementing Augmented Reality Technology in Teaching Human Anatomy: An Educator’s Autoethnography.

Lindsay Malone

Lindsay Malone

Lindsay was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Professor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of her thesis is: Mind the Ladder: An exploration of the lived experiences of women in senior leadership roles in higher education in Ireland.

Caitlin Downie

Caitlin Downie

Caitlin was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Melis Cin.

The title of her thesis is: Doing the work? The role of local government diversity, equity, and inclusion plans in addressing white supremacy.

Headshot of Student Reza Eshtehardi

Reza Eshtehardi

Reza was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of the thesis is: The provision and experience of an accredited online programme for English language teacher training: An activity systems analysis.

Headshot of Student Dave Gatrell

Dave Gatrell

Dave was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of the thesis is: Designing and implementing video-based peer feedback tasks to develop communication skills in a Hong Kong higher education institution: An analysis of sociocultural re-mediation through collaborative formative intervention.

Lawrence Chauke

Lawrence Chauke

Lawrence was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research – Higher Education and was supervised by Professor Paul Trowler.

The title of his thesis is: Navigating speciality training through agency: the Fellowship of the Colleges of Medicines of South Africa.

Headshot of Student Damian McDonald

Damian McDonald

Damian was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Professor Jo Warin.

The title of the thesis is: Student Wants, Needs, Preferences, and Engagement with Learning in Social Informal Learning Spaces on Higher Education Institution Campuses.

Geraldine Gorman

Geraldine Gorman

Geraldine was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Professor Malcolm Tight.

The title of the thesis is: Perceived experiences of preparing accounting students with digital skills for the workplace: An exploratory grounded approach study at a newly formed Technological University in Ireland.

Hannah Jones

Hannah Jones

Hannah was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Professor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of her thesis is: Experiences of Teaching and Implementing College Sexual Assault Prevention Education Programming.

Sally Welsh

Sally Welsh

Sally was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Melis Cin.

The title of her thesis is: HE in FE mature students’ experiences of labour, learning and lockdowns: a feminist narrative inquiry.

Megan Whobrey

Megan Whobrey

Megan was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Profesor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of her thesis is: Learning Beyond the Binary in the Bible Belt: Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Students in Higher Education in the Heartland.

Sophia Kapcia

Sophia Kapcia

Sophia was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Melis Cin.

The title of her thesis is: How Can Teachers of English Achieve Equity in their English Classrooms? A case study on how teachers use intersectionality and intersectional pedagogy in the English classroom to address educational inequalities and facilitate their pupils' differing needs.

Karen Rosemin

Karen was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Dr Julie-Ann Sime.

The title of the thesis is Immersive Storymaking: An Emerging Art Form for Virtual Reality Learning Environments.

Ola Hosny

Ola Hosny

Ola Hosny was a student on the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and she was supervised by Professor Paul Trowler.

The title of the thesis is: Opening Windows and Closing Gaps: A case analysis of the agenda setting of Egypt's inclusion policymaking process in Higher Education Institutions.

Oma Eguara

Omafuvwe Eguara

Oma Eguara was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and she was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of the thesis is: This is How We Do It: An exploratory multiple case study of the contextual factors supporting engagement in the personal learning networks of six 10- to 16-year-olds in England

Marc Deegan

Marc Deegan

Marc was a traditional route research student in Educational Research and supervised by Dr Jan McArthur.

The title of his thesis is: Reflections, inspirations and new horizons in criticality scholarship: Connecting educational policy, philosophy and practice, and Freire and Wittgenstein with the educational concept of criticality.

Geraldine McDermott-Dalton

Geraldine McDermott-Dalton

Geraldine was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and she was supervised by Dr Natasa Lackovic.

The title of the thesis is: Investigating the use of multimodal screencasts to teach disciplinary concepts in higher education.

Simon Thomson

Simon Thomson

Simon was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and he was supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of the thesis is: Experiencing Academic Staff Development through TPACK: A Phenomenographic Study.

Sayed Ali Mahmoud

Sayed Ali Mahmoud

Sayed Ali was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and he was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of the thesis is: How State-of-the-Art Makerspace Stations Contribute to Differences in Students’ Learning: A Mixed Methods Case Study of a Bilingual High School in Kuwait.

Hebatallah Matbouli

Hebatallah Matbouli

Hebatallah was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research – Higher Education and she was supervised by Dr Richard Budd.

The title of her thesis is: Understanding graduate employability in Egypt: Comparing graduate and employer perspectives.

Fayola St.Bernard

Fayola St.Bernard

Fayola was a student on the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and she was supervised by Professor Malcolm Tight.

The title of the thesis is: Examining the Impact of Game-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Performance in an Introductory Computer Programming Course at the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC).

Mary Lefaiver

Mary Lefaiver

Mary was a member of Cohort 11, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Professor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of her thesis is: Operationalising Feminist Pedagogic E-leadership-as-practice in Enterprise Learning and Development: An Autoethnographic Bricolage.

Lusanda Mayikana

Lusanda Mayikana

Lusanda was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Profesor Jo Warin.

The title of her thesis is: Striving and Thriving: Students of colour activating agency to negotiate place, position, and relevance at an elite U.S. independent school.

Alison Robinson Canham

Alison Robinson Canham

Alison was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research – Higher Education and she was supervised by Dr Jan McArthur.

The title of her thesis is: Developing the ‘trustworthy professional’: exploring the role of professional bodies in HE policy development and enactment (1997-2017).

Quaco Cloutterbuck

Quaco Cloutterbuck

Quaco was a member of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Murat Oztok.

The title of his thesis is: Upward Bound in Islington, a Model of Direct Intervention Pedagogy in Widening Participation for Students With Low Prior Attainment.

Nneka St Rose

Nneka St Rose

Nneka was a member of Cohort 5 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of her thesis is: "I need to teach my own children”: A constructivist grounded theory study of home-schooling in Trinidad and Tobago.

Dahlia Bateman

Dahlia Bateman

Dahlia was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Professor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of her thesis is: Transforming Learning: Police Officers’ Perspectives on Social Justice Pedagogy in Mental Health Crisis Intervention Training

Alex Acuyo Cespedes

Alex Acuyo Cespedes

Alex was a member of Cohort 12, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he has been supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of his thesis is:Insight into Higher Education Teachers’ Perceptions During Emergency-Remote-Teaching Through a Networked Learning Lens.

Reya Saliba

Reya Saliba

Reya was a member of Cohort 11, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of her thesis is: Faculty Attitudes, Preparedness, and Response to Adopting Tecnhology-Enhanced Learning in Troubled Times: A Case Study of Education City’s Higher Education Institutions in Qatar.

Joanna Maclean

Joanna Maclean

Joanna was a member of Cohort 11 of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and she was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of her thesis is: Digital Innovation in Schools: Using tenets of social constructivism through a design thinking approach to engage learners in digital computing and the development of meta-competencies in a Scottish secondary school.

Joanne Hynie

Joanne Hynie

Joanne was a member of Cohort 4 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Sue Cranmer.

The title of her thesis is: Responding to Individual Needs or Inclusion for All: Dilemmas of Practice in Provision for Young People with English as an Additional Language

Helen Dring-Turner

Helen Dring-Turner

Helen was a member of Cohort 5 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Sue Cranmer.

The title of her thesis is: Recognition, representation and relationships: how the UK Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum (2020) can meet the needs of and offer representation to young disabled and neurodivergent or neurodiverse people with LGBT+ identities.

Evelyne Jackman

Evelyne Jackman

Evelyne was a member of Cohort 5 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Richard Budd and Dr Cassie Earl.

The title of her thesis is: Being Rooted and Living Globally: A critical approach to the (re)presentation of history in Social and Modern Studies textbooks

Seanan Clifford

Seanan Clifford

Seanan was a member of Cohort 9, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Melis Cin and Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of his thesis is: Changing Shared Work Practice: Developing Faculty and Administration Voices in Institutional Educational Technology Policy in South Korea

Jen Majka

Jen Majka

Jen was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Murat Oztok.

The thesis focused on promoting intergroup relations through dialogue in US higher education.

Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee

Matthew was a member of Cohort 6 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Sue Cranmer.

The title of his thesis is: Exploring experiences of ‘inclusive’ education in international schools from the perspective of parents who have children labelled with SEN/D.

Anita Devi

Anita Devi

Anita was a member of Cohort 4 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Melis Cin.

The title of her thesis is: SENCOs in England: career trajectory, CPD and a leadership model through identity and agency.

Barbara Turner

Barbara Turner

Barbara was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Jan McArthur.

The title of her thesis is: The best days of our lives? Experiencing literacy inequalities: the continuing impact of literacy inequalities on a group of individuals, who failed to reach their desired level of literacy at school.

Samuel Eneje

Samuel Eneje

Samuel was a member of Cohort 11, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Julie-Ann Sime.

The title of his thesis is: Educating Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing Mobile Application Use in a Higher Learning Engineering Programme

Sebah Al Ali

Sebah Al Ali

Sebah was a member of Cohort 10, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Dr Julie-Ann Sime.

The title of her thesis is: Teaching during a pandemic: A cultural-historical activity theory analysis

Siara Isaac

Siara Isaac

Siara was a traditional route research student and she was supervised by Professor Paul Ashwin

The title of her thesis is: Epistemic Practices: a framework for characterising engineering students’ epistemic cognition.

Antone Osindi

Antone Osindi

Antone was a member of Cohort 4 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Murat Oztok.

The title of his thesis is: The case for an egalitarian education system in England: What is stakeholder opinion on abandoning classist structures?

Lee Mackenzie

Lee Mackenzie

Lee was a member of Cohort 5 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Melis Cin.

The title of his thesis is: A Critical Exploration of the Effects of English Language Instruction in Colombian Higher Education on Low-income Students’ Capability Formation.

Lin Zhang

Lin Zhang

Lin Zhang was a member of Cohort 7, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Dr Sue Cranmer.

The title of her thesis is: Gamification Design in Self-Paced Online Courses for Adult Learners: A Mixed Methods Study.

Kay Sidebottom

Kay Sidebottom

Kay was a member of Cohort 4 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Murat Oztok.

The title of her thesis is: Rhizomes, assemblages and nomad war machines – re-imagining curriculum development for posthuman times.

Rob Miles

Rob Miles

Rob Miles was a member of Cohort 10, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of his thesis is: A Change Laboratory: A collective approach to addressing issues in laptop-mediated English language classrooms.

Nicholas Bovee

Nicholas Bovee

Nicholas Bovee was a member of Cohort 5, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Professor Jo Warin.

The title of his thesis is: Left to Their Own Devices: On Using iPads Within a Flipped Classroom Approach to Support Student Autonomy and Engagement in Compulsory EFL Classes.

Anietie UKPabio

Anietie UKPabio

Anietie UKPabio was a member of Cohort 9, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of his thesis is: Together But Alone: Belongingness and Troublesome Socio-Academic Identities of Distance Doctoral Students.

Dermot O'Donovan

Dermot O'Donovan

Dermot was a member of Cohort 20 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and he was supervised by Professor Paul Trowler.

The title of his thesis is: Education for Sustainable Development in Irish Higher Education: Policy, Practices and Change in a Climate of (R)evolution.

Annette van Rooij-Peiman

Annette van Rooij-Peiman

Annette was a member of Cohort 21 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and she was supervised by Dr Ann-Marie Houghton.

The title of her thesis is: The Role of Psychological Capital in First-year Computer Science Students’ Retention from a Threshold Concepts Perspective.

Lauren Mawson

Lauren Mawson

Lauren was a member of Cohort 20 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research – Higher Education and she was supervised by Professor Jo Warin.

The title of her thesis is: Educational Preparation of Newly Qualified Nurses and Factors Influencing Transition: A Mixed Methods Case Study.

Nim Yan Sun

Nim Yan Sun

Nim Yan Sun was a traditional route research student, supervised by Dr Natasa Lackovic and Professor Paul Ashwin.

The title of her thesis is: Teaching-learning interactions in the design tutorial through the perspectives of semiotics and symbolic interactionism: A case study in advertising and communication design.

Halcyon Louis

Halcyon Louis

Halcyon was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Professor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of her thesis is: Using a Data-Driven Approach to Explore Secondary School Students’ Perspectives on School Violence in Trinidad and Tobago.

Sean Mcminn

Sean McMinn

Sean was a member of Cohort 6, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Murat Oztok.

The title of his thesis is: The Role of Connectors in Supporting Knowledge Construction in xMOOC Learning Networks: A Mixed Methods Multiple Case Study.

Michael Bowles

Michael Bowles

Michael was a member of Cohort 10, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of his thesis is: An exploration of the mediating effects of a digital, mobile vocabulary learning tool and device use on Gulf Arab learners’ receptive vocabulary knowledge and capacity for self-regulated learning.

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

Ben was a member of Cohort 4 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Professor Carolyn Jackson.

The title of his thesis is: Towards a Post-Heteronormative Habitus: Teachers’ Perspectives on embedding LGBT+ inclusive Education in UK Primary Schools.

Vassilia Stefanou

Vassilia Stefanou

Vassilia Stefanou was a member of Cohort 4, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Professor Don Passey. 

The title of her thesis is: Investigating the Implementation of Blended Provisions for an Introductory Computer Module.

Ioana Hartescu

Ioana Hartescu

Ioana Hartescu was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and she was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of her thesis is: Project-based learning and the development of students’ professional identity: a case study of an instructional design course with real clients in Romania.

Chidi Ezegwu

Chidi Ezegwu

Chidi was a member of Cohort 4 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Melis Cin.

The title of his thesis is: Masculinity and Access to Basic Education in Nigeria

Leo Edwards

Leo Edwards

Leo was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Sue Cranmer.

The title of his thesis is: Perception, knowledge and experience of caregivers supporting individuals living with or suspected of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Grenada: An Exploratory Study.

Meg westbury

Meg Westbury

Meg Westbury was a member of Cohort 8 of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and she was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of her thesis is: Academic librarians' Twitter practices and the production of knowledge infrastructures in higher education.

Andrea Bullivant

Andrea Bullivant

Andrea was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Jan McArthur.

The title of her thesis is: From Development Education to Global Learning: Exploring Conceptualisations of Theory and Practice Amongst Practitioners in DECs in England

Dave Webster

Dave Webster

Dave was a member of Cohort 20 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research – Higher Education and he was supervised by Dr Ann-Marie Houghton.

The title of his thesis is: Art and design course leaders’ perceptions of, and approaches to the curriculum and the implications of these approaches for students.

Steve Chubb

Steve Chubb

Steve was a member of Cohort 17, of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and he was supervised by Professor Pete Boyd and Professor Malcolm Tight.

The title of his thesis is: The impact of a new National Curriculum on subject leaders in primary and secondary schools.

Eloise Symonds

Eloise Symonds

Eloise was a Traditional Route PhD student and she was supervised by Dr Jan McArthur and Professor Paul Trowler.

The title of her thesis is: Reframing power relationships in higher education: An integrated understanding of conflicting power relationships and undergraduate subjectivities in the current university climate.

Zoe Hurley

Zoe Hurley

Zoe was a member of Cohort 9, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Dr Natasha Lackovic.

The title of her thesis is: Social Media and Gulf-Arab Women’s Empowerment: Lessons in Dynamics and Distractions.

Ravindra Prasad

Ravindra Prasad

Ravindra was a member of Cohort 5, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of his thesis is: Is Mobile Learning Effective? Case Studies in the Corporate Training Environment.

David Golding

David Golding

David was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Murat Oztok.

The title of his thesis is: Governing a Sri Lankan higher education institution across the colonial difference.

Thomas Wartenweiler

Thomas Wartenweiler

Thomas was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and he was supervised by Dr Jo Warin.

The title of his thesis is: Teachers’ Experiences of Spirituality in Swiss Secular High Schools – An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

Mona Abdelfattah Ahmed Younes

Mona Abdelfattah Ahmed Younes

Mona was a member of Cohort 2 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Murat Oztok.

The title of her thesis is: Blended learning and refugees’ empowerment through a capability approach lens.

Gemma Campion

Gemma Campion

Gemma was a member of Cohort 2 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Nicola Ingram.

The title of her thesis is:“Our Voices, Our Images, Our Story”A Narrative Inquiry Study of Children’s Lived Experience in DEIS Primary Schools in Ireland.

Rasha Al Okaily

Rasha Al Okaily

Rasha was a member of Cohort 7, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, and she was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of her thesis is: Moving Towards Flexible Ubiquitous Agnostic Design (FUAD) Framework from an Informed View of Lecturers’ Practices.

Sue Graham

Sue Graham

Sue was a member of Cohort 20 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and she was supervised by Professor Malcolm Tight

The title of her thesis is: Higher and Degree Apprenticeships in English Higher Education: a Policy Implementation study.

Deborah Binns

Deborah Binns

Deborah was a member of Cohort 3 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Jo Warin.

The title of her thesis is: “Living on the island but staging the world” How can drama help children to understand how they belong in the world? A joint exploration of values and identity by primary aged children and their teacher.

Errol Luders

Errol Luders

Errol Luders was a member of Cohort 8 of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research & Technology Enhanced Learning, and he was supervised by Dr Natasa Lackovic.

The title of his thesis is: Multimedia Artefacts and Teaching-Learning Experiences Relating to Summative Assessment Feedback (SAF) and Student Overall Satisfaction.

Rasha Essam

Rasha Essam

Rasha Essam was a member of Cohort 8, of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology and she was supervised by Professor Don Passey.

The title of her thesis is: A professional development programme for supporting teachers in the design, development, and implementation of Technology Enhanced Learning activities for teaching Arabic as a foreign language.

Peter Hourdequin

Peter Hourdequin

Peter Hourdequin was a Traditional Route PhD student and he was supervised by Professor Paul Trowler.

The title of his thesis is: Multilingual Computer-mediated Communication Practice and the development of Symbolic Competence: Insider research from a Japanese University.

Maria Loizou Raouna

Maria Loizou Raouna

Maria Loizou Raouna was a member of Cohort 8 of the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and she was supervised by Dr Kyungmee Lee.

The title of her thesis is: Exploring the Universal Design Principles of a Flipped Classroom Model for Inquiry-Based Learning in Cyprus Primary Education Context: A Multiple Case Study.

Kathryn Fox

Kathryn Fox

Kathryn Fox was a member of Cohort 20 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and she was supervised by Professor Paul Ashwin.

The title of her thesis is: Teacher Educator Perceptions of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching – A Phenomenographic Study.

Catherine Hasted

Catherine Hasted

Catherine Hasted was a member of Cohort 20 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and she was supervised by Dr Brett Bligh.

The title of her thesis is: Humanities doctoral education for a relational future: a Change Laboratory research intervention.

Patrick Baughan

Patrick Baughan

Patrick Baughan was a member of Cohort 17 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and he was supervised by Professor Malcolm Tight.

The title of his thesis: “The Sociological Imagination”: Researching sustainability, using Phenomenography.

Collette Gavan

Collette Gavan

Collette Gavan was a member of Cohort 16 of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Research and she was supervised by Dr Sue Cranmer and Professor Murray Saunders.

The title of her thesis is: Using robotics to explore computer programming: Investigating undergraduate student experiences and attainment.

Elaine Allen

Elaine Allen

Elaine was a member of Cohort 2 of the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice and she was supervised by Dr Jo Warin.

The title of her thesis is: Supporting a School in Kathmandu, Nepal in its Drive for Excellence: A Case Study.