Examples of publications arising from HEREE programme assignments
Beres, J., & Janes, D. P. (2023). Virtual Communities of Practice for Faculty and Staff in Higher Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education, 37 (2).
Boyle, F., & Cook, E. J. (2023). Developmental evaluation of teaching quality: Evidencing practice. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20 (1).
Brown, L. (2021). The challenges of reflective practice in shaping academic managers’ perceptions of critical self-evaluation reports in quality enhancement. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20, Special issue 6.
Calderwood, S. (2025). Surveillance Digitisation, Performativity, and Teacher-Student Relationships in a Blended Learning Setting. Postdigital Science and Education.
Calderwood, S. (2023). An exploration of human and platform intra-actions in a digital teaching and learning environment. Learning, Media and Technology.
Cheng, T. L. (2020). Students-teachers’ perception of reflective journal writing in placement practicum: experience from a Hong Kong institution. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 14 (2), 27-51.
Cheng, T. L. (2018). How does supervision develop students' professional identity when entering the childcare workforce? Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 6 (2), 3-12.
Cheng, T. L. (2017). Spanning professional and academic: The changing identity of professional administrators and managers in Hong Kong’s higher education context. Educational Research and Reviews, 12 (23), 1120-1128.
Chircop, J. (2024). Followership is not following: reframing followership in western higher education. International Journal of Leadership in Education.
Cook, E. J. (2021). Evaluation of work-integrated learning: A realist synthesis and toolkit to enhance university evaluative practices. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 22 (2), 213-239.
Cook, E. J. (2022). A narrative review of graduate employability models: their paradigms, and relationships to teaching and curricula. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 13 (1), 37–64.
Jackson, D., & Cook, E. J. (2023). Benefits of work-integrated learning for students. In K. E. Zegwaard and T. J. Pretti (Eds.), The International Handbook for Work-Integrated Learning (3rd ed.) Routledge.
Cook, E. J. (2023). The importance of trust and authenticity among stakeholders involved in higher education data infrastructure redevelopments: An Australian critical discourse study. CHERE@LU Working Paper No. 4.
Cook, E. J. et al. (2021). Australian postgraduate student experiences and anticipated employability: A national study from the students’ perspective. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 12 (2), 148-168.
Efu, S. I. (2020). An evaluative inquiry into continuing professional development: understanding faculty perceptions. Teacher Development, 24 (5), 688-708.
Efu, S. I. (2019). Exams as Learning Tools: A comparison of traditional and collaborative assessment in higher education. College Teaching, 67 (1)73-83.
Grech, A. (2024). Faculty’s perception of peer observation of teaching: the case of a higher education institution in Malta. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
Harding, N. (2018). The Digital Turn: staff perceptions of the virtual learning environment and the implications for educational developers. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 3 (2), 58-76.
Hayden, I. (2017). Evaluation of the effectiveness of blended learning using Moodle with first-year undergraduate students. GMIT Research-Journal, Vol. 3. Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.
Hayden, I. (2019). An evaluation of the design and use of applied visual interactive resources for teaching building regulations in higher education built environment programmes. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 15 (3), 159-180.
Howard, N-J. (2023). ‘They’re succinct nuggets of knowledge building’: Digital micro learning and lecturer identities. In O. Afitska, E. Berezina, S. Muth, N. Hafizah Adnan, M. Ghorbankarimi, & A. Azalea (Eds.), Conference Proceedings from the International Conference on Student-led Research and Innovation in Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol. 2, (pp. 15–22).
Howard, N. (2023). Kahoot! Gamification as an instructional technology: a socio-material account of nursing lecturers' subjectivities. In M. Garcia, M. Lopez Cabrera, & R. de Almeida (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Instructional Technologies in Health Education and Allied Disciplines (pp.196-219). IGI Global.
Howard, N-J. (2022). The inspirational performer: lecturer professional subjectivity in digital gamificatio. Conference Proceedings from the International Conference on Student-led Research and Innovation in Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences.
Howard, N-J. (2022). Lecturer professional identities in gamification: A socio-material perspective. Learning, Media and Technology.
Howard, N-J. (2021). Barriers and drivers in online micro-course professional development: Navigating issues of teacher identity and agency. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105.
Howard, N-J. (2020). Navigating blended learning, negotiating professional identities. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 45 (5), 654–671.
James, M. and Derrick, G. (2019). When culture trumps strategy: Higher education institutional strategic plans and their influence on international student recruitment practice. Higher Education, 79, 569–588.
Kelleher, C. (2016). Exploring the social practice of programme board level self-evaluation and its contribution to academic quality assurance, Irish Journal of Academic Practice, 5 (1), Article 6.
Molyneux, L. (2024). Unwarranted: The OfS Review of Assessment Practices and the Erosion of Institutional Autonomy. Higher Education Policy.
Nikolaou, P. (2021). Sustainable development: a developmental evaluation of logistics higher education in the Sultanate of Oman based on two innovation approaches (the triple helix of innovation and innovation competencies). Higher Education Evaluation and Development.
Osborne, T. (2018). Not lazy, not faking: Teaching and learning experiences of university students with disabilities. Disability and Society, 34 (2), 228-252.
Ragupathi, K. (2021). Desired characteristics of continuing professional development for holistic academic development. International Journal for Academic Development.
Redmond, F. (2021). Lecturers’ Perceptions of the Leaving Certificate Computer Science Curriculum and its Influence on Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE-J, 13, 2, 1-24.
Roberts, R. M. (2023). The ‘dilemma of authority’ in the 21st Century: A critical discourse analysis of a student attendance and engagement data monitoring policy at a UK university. Critical Education, 14 (2), 46-64.
Ruby, M. (2018). Not all managers are managerial: A self-evaluation of women middle manager's experiences in a UK university. Higher Education Policy.
Sabapathy, C. (2022). Teaching in a Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study of Higher Education Professional Communication Academics’ Lifeworlds in Response to Pandemic Measures. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10 (1), 56-68.
Said, A. (2018). Vocational teaching-learning through the eyes of undergraduate vocational students in Malta: A qualitative exploratory study. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET), 5 (1), 42-63.
Shaw, R. (2018). Professionalising teaching in HE: The impact of an institutional fellowship scheme in the UK Higher Education Research and Development, 37 (1), 145-157.
Teviotdale, W. et al. (2017). Group work and undergraduate accounting students: a Bourdieusian analysis. Research in Post Compulsory Education, 22 (3), 334-354.
Tyrer, C. (2019). Beyond social chit chat? Analysing the social practice of a mobile messaging. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16 (13).
Tyrer, C. (2021). The voice, text, and the visual as semiotic companions: an analysis of the materiality and meaning potential of multimodal screen feedback. Education and Information Technologies, 26, 4241–4260.
Wade, P. (2017). The impact of the CPF training funding policy on an adult education EFL diploma course and its students at a public French university. Language Issues, 27 (2), 100-114.
Witthaus, G. (2018). Findings from a case study on refugees using MOOCs to (Re)enter Higher Education. Open Praxis, 10 (4).
Witthaus, G. (2023). Refugees and Online Engagement in Higher Education: A Capabilitarian Model. Online Learning, 27(2), Article 2.