Associate members
Doaa Hazem Abonaem
Doaa Hazem Abonaem is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and Education Project Officer at UNESCO.
Areas of work: Education development

Vina Adriany
Vina Adriany is a Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Early Childhood Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Area of work: gender in early childhood education, childhood studies.

Oksana Afitska
Oksana Afitska is a Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Language in education, curriculum development, teacher development, language assessment, intervention research.

Amaka Akabueze
Amaka Akabueze is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and Lecturer at Coulsdon 6th Form College, London, UK.
Areas of work: Education and Social Justice, Decolonisation and Early Childhood Education.

Nafisa Baba-Ahmed
Nafisa Baba-Ahmed is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Education and Social Justice - Adult Education.

Sunil Banga
Sunil Banga is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and a Teaching Fellow at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Political economy of knowledge production, HE policy, education and social justice, critical race theory.

Olivia Boukydis
Olivia Boukydis is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and Assistant Program Head of the Community Social Services Program at the University of Guelph-Humber in Ontario, Canada.
Areas of work: Higher education, Social work, Gerontology, Soka (value-creating) education.

Joe Bourne
Joe Bourne is Global Engagement Manager at Lancaster University. He recently managed the Connecting Kids project which distributed laptops, stationery and creative educational resources to children in Lancaster and Morecambe throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns. Joe is also a trustee of Escape to Make.
Areas of work: global education partnerships; local development; widening participation; refugee and asylum seeker education and support; education for sustainability.

Yinka Chinery
Yinka Chinery is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and Head of Mathematics at an International School in Hong Kong.
Areas of work: mathematics education, access to mathematics education, special educational needs, gifted learners, EAL learners.

Darren Cogavin
Darren Cogavin is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Educational Policy, Political Economy of Education, Critical Pedagogy, Marxist Educational Theory.

Huw Davies
Huw Davies is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University, and a Learning Advisor and Lecturer at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan.
Areas of work: Higher Education, language education, non-traditional students, international student migration.

Priscilla Echeverría
Priscilla Echeverría is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Initial Teacher Training, Critical Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education, Ethical Civic development in Education, Citizenship, Teaching as a Reflective Practice in Initial Teacher Training, School Culture, Educational Curriculum, Social Justice.

Chidi Ezegwu
Chidi Ezegwu is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University who currently works as an independent research consultant, based in Nigeria.
Areas of work: multidisciplinary researcher with extensive interests and experiences in the field of gender, education, political economy, conflict and peacebuilding, media impact, young people’s development and reproductive health.

Jonathan Ferries
Jonathan Ferries is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and is also a translator and a contract lecturer at Bukkyo University in Kyoto, Japan.
Areas of work: Language policy and planning, minority and heritage languages, language ideology.

Tony Foody
Tony Foody is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Education and Social Justice, Compensatory Education, Education policy and teaching.

Karen Foster
Karen Foster is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Secondary school leadership, teacher development, critical education
Abdifarhan Farah Gure
Abdifarhan Farah Gure is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and Project Director, Girls Education at CARE International, Somali Country Office.
Areas of work: Education in Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations, Education and Social Justice (Gender Equity in Education, Inclusive Education, Advocacy for minority language speakers, rural & nomadic pastoralists communities and refugees & displaced persons).

Misa Hirano
Misa Hirano is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and a Lecturer at Daito Bunka University in Tokyo, Japan
Areas of work: Education, Social Justice, Immigrant Students, Critical Race Theory
Gemma Howlett
Gemma Howlett is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research
Areas of work: Paramedicine - sexual harassment in the workplace

Evelyne Jackman
Evelyne Jackman is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research. Her research interest focuses on how language provides a space to think, identify and reflect.
Areas of work: creating learning systems, narrative writing, critical pedagogy, identity formation, educational transformation and social justice.

Patricia Jimenez
Patricia Jimenez is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research. She is a Lecturer and Quality Assurance and Enhancement Officer at the School of Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (Chile).
Areas of work: Engineering Ethics / Engineering and Society / Women in STEM / Engineering Education

Emily Joof Campbell
Emily Joof Campbell is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research. Emily also currently works as the Associate Director of Programs for Luminos.
Areas of work: narrative writing, story telling critical pedagogy, historical consciousness and identity formation, education policy and social justice.

Sophia Kapcia
Sophia Kapcia is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Secondary Education.

Bret Kaufman
Bret Kaufman is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and a Professor of English at Cypress College in Cypress, California, USA.
Areas of work: Global Citizenship Education.

Timothy Kearney
Timothy Kearney is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Popular Educational methods in the context of Trade Union Education

Thomas Kral
Thomas Kral is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: decolonising English and language education, English-medium education and social justice, capability approach, critical pedagogy, global citizenship.

Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Area of work: Inclusion, Special Educational Needs, and Disability in International Schools

Joe Lord
Joe Lord is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Student voice, curriculum design.

Halcyon Louis
Halcyon Louis is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: International development, with a focus on monitoring and evaluation, and social research.

Lee Mackenzie
Lee Mackenzie is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: English and human development; language policy and planning; capability approach.

Lindsay Malone
Lindsay Malone is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Gender Equality, Higher Education

Sukaina Manji
Sukaina Manji is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Inequality in education, social justice, religious literacy, story-telling using religious texts and capturing stories through the narratives of religious education as a subject. Using critical race theory as a lens for conceptual framework.

Nik Marsdin
Nik Marsdin is Development Manager (Schools) at Lancaster University Students' Union. He worked in statutory and community provision for 12 years prior to moving into working in HE.
Areas of work: Widening participation, youth and community services, school exclusion, transitions in education and alternative provision.

Jo Matiti
Jo Matiti is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Maths Teaching and Learning, Primary-Secondary Maths Transitions, Critical Pedagogy, Student Participatory Action Research, Social Justice.

Lusanda Mayikana
Lusanda Mayikana is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and a Dean of Pluralism and Multicultural Affairs at Lake Forest Academy.
Areas of work: secondary school education, social justice education.
George Mccaulsky
George Mccaulsky is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research. He also teaches courses in critical reading and academic writing at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona campus in Jamaica.
Areas of work: Caribbean language education and writing studies; critical discourse analysis; the use of critical theories in examining Caribbean socio-cultural issues.

Patricia McGrath
Patricia McGrath is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and also supervises Master’s students at Hibernia College, Dublin whilst on a career break from a secondary school.
Areas of work: Disadvantaged students including the Travelling community in education/Higher Education.

Abdi Musa
Abdi Musa is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Educational Equity, Social Justice in Education, Education Policy, Women in Social Movements, Peace Building, and Capability Approach.

Leslie Palson
Leslie Palson is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and is also Dean from the International Education and Department at Georgian College in Barrie Ontario Canada.
Areas of work: Social Justice, Civic Engagement, Critical pedagogy/education, Global Citizenship, Social Innovation.

Paul Parry
Paul Parry is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Play deprivation, examining impact of processes of standardisation on play behaviours in early years, application of Marxian value theory to education, political economy of education, New Readings of Marx, Open Marxism, critical theory.

Nathaniel Pickering
Nathaniel Pickering is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and a Senior Lecturer in Research and Evaluation at Sheffield Hallam University.
Areas of work: Higher education, access and participation, underrepresented groups in education, education policy, social justice.

Miranda Rathmell
Miranda Rathmell is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Education and children in care.

Nneka St Rose
Nneka St Rose is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research. She is Department Coordinator/Senior Lecturer (Social & Behavioural Sciences) at the College of Science,Technology and Applied Arts in Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT.
Areas of work: Homeschooling, Education and Social Justice, Critical Pedagogy.

Felipe Sánchez
Felipe Sánchez is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Teaching and learning, adult learning, socio-constructivism, reflection, emotionality and affection in learning, faculty development, social media and art-based qualitative methodologies.

Paul Sherman
Paul Sherman is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research and a Program Head, Family and Community Social Services, University of Guelph-Humber, Toronto, Canada.
Areas of work: global citizenship, study abroad education, social work education, Soka (value creating) education.
You can read more about Paul's PhD experience on the What our PhD graduates say page.

Pamela Spiteri
Pamela Spiteri is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Educational Equity, Social Justice in Education, Reducing Early School Leaving.

Dawn Storti
Dawn Storti is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Primary education, motivational psychology, academic achievement, homework.

Anna Szilagyi
Anna Szilagyi is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University and Manager of the Academic Advising Department at Laureate Online Education.
Areas of work: multicultural education and cultural identities, social justice, story-telling, 'life-worlds' and critical race theory in online higher education.
Daniel Talbot
Daniel Talbot is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research
Areas of work: The capabilities approach, literary studies, curriculum theory
Kamil Tilyabaev
Kamil Tilyabaev is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Decolonising Uzbek language education.

Tingjun Wang
Tingjun Wang is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: the impact of mindfulness training on stress, emotional regulation and academic performance in Chinese secondary school students.

Emily Ward
Emily Ward is a PhD graduate from the Doctoral Programme in Education and Social Justice in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: Secondary Education, Contract Grading, Assessment Pedagogy, Student Writing, Learning approaches, Academic Stress, and Academic Achievement Motivation.

Sally Welsh
Sally Welsh is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: mature students, care work, HE in FE, feminist research.

Gemma Xarles Jubany
Gemma Xarles Jubany is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research and Director of Globalisation and Cooperation at the UOC (Open University of Catalonia), based in Barcelona (Spain).
Areas of work: Education and social justice; online education; refugees and displaced people in education; democratizing internationalization of HE; decolonizing curricula.
Daixuan Xie
Daixuan Xie is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: the benefits and roles of higher education, comparative education, quality education, Chinese and English students’ perceptions, the relationship between university qualification and economic development, globalisation and internationalisation
Current research work is a qualitative research project that focuses on the purposes of higher education by exploring the perspectives of students from cross-cultural contexts.