Alumni and student members
![Amal Abou-Setta](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Amal-Abou-Setta_400x400.jpg)
Amal Abou-Setta
Amal Abou-Setta is an alumna of the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Area of work: Equitable access to higher education; employability in higher education; foreign language educational medium.
![Sascha Thomas Athey](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/associates-foundation/SaschaAthey400x400.png)
Sascha Thomas Athey
Sascha Thomas Athey is the Quality Assurance Manager for the Institute of Creativity and Innovation (a joint project of Xiamen University and the University of Creative Arts).
Areas of Work: Quality assurance and enhancement; transnational higher education
![Tony Burke](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Tony-Burke_400x400.jpg)
Tony Burke
Tony Burke is a Prinicipal Lecturer in the Centre for Teaching Innovation and School of Applied Management at the University of Westminster.
Areas of work: Tony has a dual role at the University of Westminster. He has institution-wide responsibilities in the University's Centre for Teaching Innovation, and he is Principal Lecturer in Construction in the School of Applied Management.
![John Carty](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/JohnCarty400x400.jpg)
John Carty
John Carty is a Lecturer at the College of Tourism and Arts, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland.
Area of work: Hospitality, tourism and event management; work based learning.
![James Chircop](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/associates-foundation/JamesChircop400x400.jpg)
James Chircop
James Chircop is a Senior Lecturer in Nursing at the University of Derby
Area of work: Higher Education
![Fiona Christie](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Fiona-Christie_400x400.jpg)
Fiona Christie
Fiona Christie is a Senior Research Associate in the Decent Work and Productivity Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Areas of work: Career studies, career development, education, employability, higher education, inequalities, social justice, social learning theories, social mobility, and work.
![Elizabeth Cook](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/associates-foundation/ElizabethCook400x400.png)
Elizabeth Cook
Elizabeth Cook is a current student on the PhD in Higher Education: Research, Evaluation and Enhancement and a Senior Analyst, Strategy and Planning in the Strategic and Governance Services Centre at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia. Twitter @ejcook4
Areas of Work: Graduate employability; career development learning; work-integrated learning; evaluation; pedagogy; inquiry graphics; student experience, retention and success; and higher education policy.
![Helen Duell](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/HelenDuell400x400.jpg)
Helen Duell
Helen Duell is a Academic Quality Officer (Enhancement and Review) in the Academic Quality & Development Unit at Edge Hill University, UK.
Areas of work: Academic Quality. Specifically I am responsible for leading the management and enhancement of the institutional Periodic Review processes and documentation at Edge Hill University which includes the briefing of academic colleagues in departments undergoing review. I also lead the development and enhancement of processes for reviewing academic programmes, evaluating current systems and processes for academic quality management and governance and using my expert knowledge to propose improvements to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) & University Secretary and Learning and Teaching Committee. I also lead internal quality audits and related research projects commissioned by the Directorate, selecting from and utilising a range of appropriate methodologies to manage complex data and produce specialist reports and position papers to a high standard to inform executive and deliberative decision-making. This involves synthesising and analysing a range of complex quantitative and qualitative data including programme performance statistics and external examiner reports to produce authoritative and succinct reports to guide the consideration and deliberations of senior academic managers on a variety of institutional level projects.
![Priscilla Echeverría](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/PriscillaEcheverria_400x400.jpg)
Priscilla Echeverría
Priscilla Echeverría is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research.
Areas of work: Initial Teacher Training, Critical Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education, Ethical Civic development in Education, Citizenship, Teaching as a Reflective Practice in Initial Teacher Training, School Culture, Educational Curriculum, Social Justice.
![Peter Alston](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/IfeatuSandraEfu400x400.jpg)
Ifeatu Sandra Efu
Ifeatu Sandra Efu is a Lecturer in the Business Department at Keyano College, Alberta, Canada.
Areas of work: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education; continuing professional development in Higher Education; service learning.
![Irene Foster](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Irene-Foster_400x400.jpg)
Irene Foster
Irene Foster is an alumna of the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Area of work: Conceptualisations of dyslexia; theory and practice of specific learning difficulties; lived experiences of students with dyslexia in higher education.
![Irene Hayden](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/IreneHayden400x400.jpg)
Irene Hayden
Irene Hayden is a Lecturer in the Department of Building and Civil Engineering at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland.
Areas of work: Architectural Technology; Learning and Teaching.
![Dawne Irving-Bell](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/DawneIrving-Bell400x400.jpg)
Dawne Irving-Bell
Dawne Irving-Bell is a Senior Lecturer in Teaching and Learning Development (Projects Lead) in The Centre for Learning and Teaching at Edge Hill University.
Area of work: The formation of learner identity, pedagogy and pedagogical approaches to learning and teaching within STEM subjects.
![Melissa James](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Melissa-James_400x400.jpg)
Melissa James
Melissa James is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Business at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
You can read more about Melissa's PhD experience on the What our PhD graduates say page.
Area of work: Melissa's work focuses on the internationalization of higher education and the adoption of marketing practices in higher education settings. Her work in this area began as a means to bridge her interests in higher education, public policy, and marketing.
![Sal Jarvis](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Sal-Jarvis_400x400.jpg)
Sal Jarvis
Sal Jarvis is Pro Vice Chancellor Education and Student Experience at the University of Hertfordshire, UK.
Areas of work: Higher Education leadership and governance, authority practices, student experience.
![Colm Kelleher](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/ColmKelleher400x400.jpg)
Colm Kelleher
Colm Kelleher is a Lecturer in Human Resources and Management Studies in the School of Business at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Ireland.
Area of work: Quality Assurance and Enhancement; Group Self-Evaluative Practice
![Toni McLaughlan](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/associates-foundation/ToniMclaughlan400x400.png)
Toni McLaughlan
Toni McLaughlan is an Intern in the Outreach Division within the Department of Global Communications of the United Nations in the UAE.
Areas of Work: Higher Education; Intercultural Sensitivity; International Education; Internationalization; Educational Technology
![Anthea Metcalfe](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/AntheaMetcalfe400x400.jpg)
Anthea Metcalfe
Anthea Metcalfe is a Project Manager in the Centre fo Higher Education Development (CHED) at the University of Cape Town.
Areas of work: Teaching and learning in higher education; policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation within state funded educational development interventions; postgraduate development; employment equity.
![Timothy Nicoll](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/TimothyNicoll400x400.png)
Timothy Nicoll
Timothy Nicoll is an English Language instructor in the Academic Bridge Program at the Abu Dhabi Campus of Zayed University, in the United Arab Emirates.
Areas of work: Teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Primary research interests relate to the integration and use of learning technologies in the field of English Language Teaching, as well as how to improve the teaching and learning of core areas such as reading, writing and vocabulary.
![Panagiotis Nikolaou (Pani)](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/associates-foundation/PaniNikolaou400x400.png)
Panagiotis Nikolaou (Pani)
Panagiotis Nikolaou (Pani) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management Studies, Middle East College, Oman.
Area of Work: Logitics & Supply Chain Education; Sustainability in Higher Education; Innovation in Learning and Teaching; Academic Quality and Enhancement.
![Pat Owen](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/PatOwen400x400.jpg)
Pat Owen
Pat Owen is the Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Keele University.
Area of work: PhD focused on factors affecting the curricula in public health nursing. Since then Pat has undertaken educational research around developing resilience in student nurses. Also work undertaken with regional colleagues and supported by HEEWM to consider maximising leadership learning in the pre-registration health curricula. Another area of interest is transition - especially transition to qualified practitioner from student.
![Nickanor Amwata Owuor](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/NickanorOwuor400x400.jpg)
Nickanor Amwata Owuor
Nickanor Amwata Owuor is a Lecturer in the Business and Management Sciences Department at the University of Kurdistan - Hewlêr, Iraq.
Area of work: Student voice and engagement; nonviolent student activism in higher education.
![David Peet](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/DavidPeet400x400.jpg)
David Peet
David Peet is a Senior University Administrator within the Human Resources Division at the University of Cambridge.
Area of work: My PhD work is focused on the factors which inhibit and enable the embedding of change in university academic departments. My day job is focused on career development for Professional Services Staff with a particular emphasis on technicians.
![Patricia Perlen](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/TrishPerlen400x400.jpg)
Patricia Perlen
Patricia Perlen is an Associate Lecturer in Law within the Deakin Law School, Deakin University, Australia and is also a PhD student within Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Area of work: The law of Higher Education; Quality Assurance; Higher Education Frameworks and the concept of academic judgement.
![Claire Raistrick](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/ClareRaistrick400x400.jpg)
Claire Raistrick
Claire Raistrick is a Principal Teaching Fellow at the University of Warwick, working within the Health Education Hub at Warwick Medical School.
Area of work: Self-evaluative practices; participatory processes, including co-construction, action-research and dialogical sense-making; evaluation; innovation; work-based learning; technology enhanced learning.
![Suraj Shrestha](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/SurajShrestha400x400.jpg)
Suraj Shrestha
Suraj Shrestha is a PhD researcher in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University. He has worked as a lecturer in further and higher education institutions in London, and as a teacher, senior manager, and a member of Core Management Committee in independent secondary schools abroad.
Area of work: Internationalization of higher education, geopolitics, international relations, and global public policies.
![Simon Snowden](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Simon-Snowden_400x400.jpg)
Simon Snowden
Simon Snowden is a Senior Lecturer, Director of Studies BA Business Management and Director of Education in the Management School at University of Liverpool.
Area of work: The Change Laboratory in Education, Curriculum Development, the work/education interface.
![Claire Sparrow](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/ClaireSparrow400x400.jpg)
Claire Sparrow
Claire Sparrow is the Course Director of Undergraduate Law Programmes within the School of Law at the University of Portsmouth.
Area of work: Problem-based learning; the interaction between academic research and teaching activity.
![Anna Szilagyi](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/Anna-Szilagyi_400x400.jpg)
Anna Szilagyi
Anna Szilagyi is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University and Manager of the Academic Advising Department at Laureate Online Education.
Areas of work: multicultural education and cultural identities, social justice, story-telling, 'life-worlds' and critical race theory in online higher education.
![Sandra Wearden](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Sandra-Wearden_400x300.jpg)
Sandra Wearden
Sandra Wearden is the Director of Degree Ceremonies Limited and an alumna of the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Area of work: History of ceremonial rituals in universities and their application in contemporary higher education settings.
![Julie Williams](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/JulieWilliams400x400.png)
Julie Williams
Dr Julie Williams is the Associate Dean and Director of The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine at Edge Hill University.
Area of work: Academic Management
![Ian Willis](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Ian-Willis_400x400.jpg)
Ian Willis
Ian Willis is a Thesis Supervisor for an EdD in Internationalisation in the Centre for Higher Education Studies, School of Histories, Languages and Cultures at the University of Liverpool.
Areas of work: Ian was closely involved in the design of Liverpool's EdD; he is now working part-time supervising theses in the field of internationalisation of HE. He is also committed to a project in Pakistan to "enhance learning & teaching in medical education"; originally a British Council project now self-sustaining. Plus, design and delivery of another project in sub-Saharan Africa to support mid-level administrators to be more active in their support of Learning and Teaching.
![Gabi Witthaus](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/alumni-foundation/Gabi-Witthaus_400x400.jpg)
Gabi Witthaus
Gabi Witthaus is a Digital Learning Designer in the College of Arts & Law Digital Education Team at the University of Birmingham.
Area of work: Learning design; open education; online and distance education; refugees in higher education; widening participation in higher education.
![Daixuan Xie](/media/lancaster-university/content-assets/images/educational-research/people/student-foundation/Daixuan-Xie_2.jpg)
Daixuan Xie
Daixuan Xie is a PhD student in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
Areas of work: the benefits and roles of higher education, comparative education, quality education, Chinese and English students’ perceptions, the relationship between university qualification and economic development, globalisation and internationalisation.