Dr Jonathan Vincent

Lecturer in Higher Education

Research Overview

I am a lecturer in the Educational Research Department. I am Programme Director for the Education and Social Justice MA and Director for Internationalisation.

My research focuses on the nature and experience of life course transitions for disabled university students and graduates, with particular emphases on education and employment. I am also interested in how belonging in higher education is theorised and experienced.

I typically draw on qualitative, and where possible inclusive, methodologies to uncover rich data from among hard-to-reach populations. I am engaged in a range of ongoing collaborations in the UK and internationally and I am Principal Investigator for the following projects:

STEPS: School Transitions across Education for Pupils with SEN/D (Sir Halley Stewart Trust) in the United Kingdom, which engages with young people with SEN/D making the transition from primary to secondary school. Our data and resources have been developed using participatory methods and aim to improve outcomes. These include 3 animations made with neurodivergent young people:

How are you feeling? | What is Year 7 like? | What helps with Transition?

AJOLI: Autism JOint Local Initiative, Uganda (Joy Welch Fund) has three phases which include working with communities across three regions of northern Uganda to screen for autism; understanding how autism is understood by community members through qualitative data; and developing participatory resources that can be used to reduce stigma and exclusion.

IDEA: Indonesian Disability-Inclusion for Education and Accessibility in Indonesia (British Council) has conducted an environmental scan of universities across Indonesia; interviews from disabled students and focus groups with HE stakeholders; and developing good practice guides for disabled students / staff, infographics and policy briefs.

Supporting Successful Transition to Employment for Autistic Students
Invited talk

IDEA project launch: sharing disability-inclusive practices in Indonesia
Invited talk

In-between belonging for disabled staff and PhD students: a qualitative study across UK universities
Oral presentation

"Life is either black or white. If you are exactly a grey colour, it is difficult to tell people about it”: reporting on a participatory employment project with disabled young people in the Turkish context
Oral presentation

Mapping the employment outcomes for autistic graduates: implications for practice in STEM subjects in UK he institutions
Invited talk

Cruel optimism and-or alternative ways of flourishing - trajectories and outcomes for neurodivergent university graduates
Invited talk

Into, through, and out of HE for autistic students and graduates
Invited talk

York Autism Community of Practice
Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

ENGAGE: Enhancing Neurodivergent Graduates' Access to Graduate Employment
Participation in conference - Public

Neurodiversity: Developing Positive Relationships in the Workplace
Invited talk

British Educational Research Association (BERA)
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Understanding the employment ecosystem for autistic students and graduates in the United Kingdom
Invited talk

Implications of Covid-19 for educational and employment opportunities for autistic adult learners
Invited talk

Autism: Coping with Change. Covid-19 and Mental Health in Higher Education.
Invited talk

International Society for Autism Research
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Barriers and pathways to employment success for autistic young people.
Invited talk

  • Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation
  • Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing in Education