LGBTQ&A: Honouring LGBT+ History Month through collaboration and community.

LGBTQ+ Students talking to each other outside

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What is LGBTQ&A?

LGBTQ&A is a bespoke collaboration series created by Lancaster University and the University of Cumbria’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) teams and LGBTQ+ Student and Staff Networks to answer anonymously submitted LGBTQ+ questions in a safe space.

2024 theme: LGBTQ+ Health and Wellbeing

Attendees were invited to ask any questions or share any thoughts about LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing in Lancashire and Cumbria. During the event, the panel answered anonymously submitted questions about the respective University’s resources, policies and support for LGBTQ people as well as sharing local, national and partner organisations resources and guidance.

Tab Content: Event Format

Content Warning (CW): LGBTQ&A strives to create an inclusive and supportive space for our discussions. Please be aware that the forthcoming event may cover sensitive issues that might provoke strong emotions or discomfort for some attendees. Lancaster University (LU) students in search of assistance are encouraged to utilise the Advice, Support and Knowledge (ASK) Team's Wellbeing resources and Lancaster University Students’ Union Advice service. For LU staff, the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) offers tailored support and specialist support services on health and wellbeing and can be found on our Staff Wellbeing pages.

The format of LGBTQ&A 2024 was a hybrid in-person panel and online anonymous attendees format. Staff and students from each institution (Lancaster University and the University of Cumbria) were welcome to join the panel in-person by attending the live event hosted at Lancaster University.

The theme for 2024 was LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing, focusing on the below topics:

  • Trans and Non-binary support and resources
  • An Intersectional View: LGBTQ+ and Disabilities
  • LGBTQ+ Health Research

Attendees were invited to ask any questions or share any thoughts you may have about LGBTQIA+ Health and Wellbeing at the institutions (Lancaster University, University of Cumbria) and in Lancashire and Cumbria ahead of the event.

View Full LGBTQ&A 2024 Event

Tab Content: Event Theme

LGBTQ&A 2024 theme was LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing. The panel was composed of three representatives from each institution and two panel moderators with lived/professional experience specific to this theme. Our panellists and moderators pledged to provide an inclusive and safe environment in which they recognise their differences as their strengths, seeking and valuing different perspectives and ideas, in an environment that was without prejudice and bias

We ask all participants to understand and accept panellists are not there to provide “right” answers and all answers provided during this event are opinions derived from personal or professional LGBTQ+ experience and knowledge.

Content Warning (CW): LGBTQ&A strives to create an inclusive and supportive space for our discussions. Please be aware that the forthcoming event may cover sensitive issues that might provoke strong emotions or discomfort for some attendees. Lancaster University (LU) students in search of assistance are encouraged to utilise the Advice, Support and Knowledge (ASK) Team's Wellbeing resources and Lancaster University Students’ Union Advice service. For LU staff, the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) offers tailored support and specialist support services on health and wellbeing and can be found on our Staff Wellbeing pages.

Tab Content: History of LGBTQ&A

Content Warning (CW): LGBTQ&A strives to create an inclusive and supportive space for our discussions. Please be aware that the previous events may cover sensitive issues that might provoke strong emotions or discomfort for some listeners/viewers. Lancaster University (LU) students in search of assistance are encouraged to utilise the Advice, Support and Knowledge (ASK) Team's Wellbeing resources and Lancaster University Students’ Union Advice service. For LU staff, the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) offers tailored support and specialist support services on health and wellbeing and can be found on our Staff Wellbeing pages. University of Cumbria (UoC) students can find a help via Student Support | MyCumbria platform and through the University of Cumbria Students’ Union’ (UCSU). UoC Staff members can similarly access essential wellbeing services internally, through the internal Health and Wellbeing Hub, alongside the range of support organisations located at Useful Links, Guidance & Signposting - University of Cumbria.

Our History

In 2021, representatives from Lancaster University attended the University of Cumbria's online collaborative panel discussion honouring LGBTQ+ History Month, 'A Life Worth Living'. The event discussed LGBTQ+ inclusion across North West and included a successful question and answer (Q&A) section of the event. Watch the full event.

Following positive feedback on the Q&A section of the event, Lancaster University and the University of Cumbria's Equality Diversity and Inclusion Teams worked together to create LGBTQ&A as a safe space to ask questions in an anonymous format on policy, support and LGBTQ+ community questions to a cross-institutional collaborative panel. The event was well received by both staff and students as a constructive space to ask questions without fear of judgement or discrimination on LGBTQ+ topics. Watch the full event

The format of LGBTQ&A expanded in 2023 to a hybrid in-person panel and online anonymous attendees format to invite representatives from each institution (Lancaster University and the University of Cumbria) and their respective LGBTQ+ networks as well as representatives from local schools, colleges and LGBT+ support groups and organisations to join the panel in-person by attending the live event hosted at Lancaster University. The event focused around the theme of LGBTQ+ Allyship, Parents and Carers in which the panel answered anonymously submitted questions about the respective University’s resources, policies and support for LGBTQ allies, parents and carers as well as sharing local, national and partner organisations and national resources and guidance. Listen to the full event.

LGBTQ&A 2024 focused on LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing, in line with the theme of 'medicine' for LGBT History Month. The event was held live and accessible online to the public, while the panel and members of the Lancaster and Cumbria LGBTQ+ network’s were invited to join in person. The aim was to provide a safe space for panel members to answer questions and share their experiences and thoughts on LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing in the North West. Watch the full 2024 event.

Tab Content: LGBTQ+ support @ LU

Lancaster University has several Equality, Diversity and Inclusion–related networks and associations for staff and students. For LGBTQ+ staff, students and allies we have the following networks and forms to support and empower LGBT+ people in the Lancaster community:

Additionally, we encourage all staff and students to download and share our list of .

For further LGBTQ+ support staff and students can contact:

Tab Content: LGBTQ+ support @ UoC

University of Cumbria: LGBTQ&A webpage

The University of Cumbria's LGBTQ+ Staff Network was founded in September 2019 and now has over 50 members across their 5 campuses. The network sees colleagues come together every two months to share information, experiences, ideas, and concerns in a safe space that is open for all, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. That includes allies. The key focus for the network is visibility, education, and the development of a social community on and off-campus.

University of Cumbria (UoC) students can find a help via Student Support | MyCumbria platform and through the University of Cumbria Students’ Union’ (UCSU). UoC Staff members can similarly access essential wellbeing services internally, through the internal Health and Wellbeing Hub, alongside the range of support organisations located at Useful Links, Guidance & Signposting - University of Cumbria.

Meet our 2024 Moderators

Our moderators pledge to provide an inclusive and safe environment in which they recognise our differences as our strengths, seeking and valuing different perspectives and ideas, in an environment that is without prejudice and bias.

Ann-Marie Houghton
Lancaster University

Ann-Marie Houghton

(she/her) | Lancaster University, Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Brian Webster-Henderson 
University of Cumbria 
Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Brian Webster-Henderson

(he/him) | University of Cumbria, Deputy Vice-Chancellor

We ask all participants to understand and accept panellist are not there to provide “right” answers and all answers provided during this event are opinions derived from personal or professional LGBTQ+ experience and knowledge.

Meet our 2024 Panellists

We ask all participants to understand and accept panellist are not there to provide “right” answers and all answers provided during this event are opinions derived from personal or professional LGBTQ+ experience and knowledge.

Angie Illman
Pears Cumbria School of Medicine
Senior Project Manager

Angie Illman

(they/them) | Pears Cumbria School of Medicine, Senior Project Manager

Benjamin Dalton 
Lancaster University 
Queer Medical Humanities Network Lead

Benjamin Dalton

(he/they) | Lancaster University, Queer Medical Humanities Network Lead

Ali Richards
University of Cumbria 
Lecturer Nursing Associate

Ali Richards

(she/her) | University of Cumbria, Lecturer Nursing Associate

Freya Metcalfe
Lancaster University 
Biomedical & Life Sciences, Undergraduate Programmes Coordinator
Lancaster University Alumnus (Physics)

Freya Metcalfe

(they/them) | Lancaster University Biomedical & Life Sciences, Undergraduate Programmes Coordinator Lancaster University Alumnus (Physics)

Tomi Jackson
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
LGBT+ Network Member & Finance EDI Ambassador

Tomi Jackson

(he/him) | University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, LGBT+ Network Member & Finance EDI Ambassador

Josh Newsham
Lancaster University 
Student's Union

Josh Newsham

(he/him) | Lancaster University Student's Union, VP Welfare

LGBTQ&A Historical Events