To find out how you can get involved, please contact the Athena Swan Team
The Athena Swan Institutional Self-Assessment Team (ISAT) was formed through a combination of named appointments (based on role) and openly advertised posts. The team includes staff from academic and Professional Services roles from across the University with a range of experiences to bring diverse perspectives.

Professor Rebecca Lingwood, Deputy Vice-Chancellor
ISAT - Co-Chair
I’m Rebecca and I joined Lancaster in 2024 as Deputy Vice-Chancellor. I’m an engineer and my research area is fluid dynamics. I have worked for various universities in a variety leadership roles, what unifies these roles is a core commitment to excellence and widening opportunities in education and research for students and staff. I know from my own background (under-represented in HE) how transformative higher education and an inclusive research culture can be. This has motivated my work across the EDI spectrum. As a female engineer, I have been involved in many STEM initiatives, and have external roles for organizations that support education and social equity, and support those with career breaks (mostly women) to return to research careers. I am excited to be a visible proponent of EDI at Lancaster!

Andrew Barker, Director of Library Services
ISAT - Co-Chair
Hello I’m Andrew - I’ve been at Lancaster since 2019 as Library Director. Prior to that I worked in three other universities, as well as spending 8 years in Further Education. Nationally I am Co-chair of the library body SCONUL. EDI sits central within our Library vision to ensure we provide a diverse and inclusive library and I am passionate about creating opportunities for those less represented within our sector. Being Co-chair of the ISAT is a privilege and I want to ensure we bring positive impact to all parts of the university, with a focus from my perspective on Professional Services. Outside of work I live in the mid-twentieth century be that books, films, music or clothes.

Dr Zoe Alker, Lecturer in Historical Social Data Science, FASS
ISAT - Academic representative (Lecturer)
I joined the History department in Lancaster University in 2022 where I research and teach the digital history of crime, justice and punishment in Britain, 1760-1925. I’m currently writing a monograph on the history of femicide, violence and misogyny in Victorian England. I am looking forward to working with the Athena Swan team, corroborating links with the Race Equality Charter, and working with colleagues to make a meaningful impact in addressing inequalities at Lancaster University.

Dr Peter Bentley, Analytical Support Technician, FST
ISAT - Professional Services Technician representative
Hi, I’m Pete. I started working at Lancaster in 2023 and my position is the Analytical Support Technician in the Department of Chemistry. Prior to this, I have worked in technical and research positions at the University of Central Lancashire and have over 10 years’ experience working in HE. I was a previous student at Lancaster University, completing my BSc and Master's at the Lancaster Environment Centre, so it is nice to be back! I am very pleased to be a part of the ISAT network for Athena Swan acting as a Technical Representative supporting and evaluating gender equality practices. I hope to be a voice for Technicians within the framework and will review how current practices fit within wider policies such as the Technicians' Commitment. Outside of work, I love travelling, going to music concerts and gardening.

Marie Clay, EDI Programmes Manager (Athena Swan)
ISAT - Programme Manager
Hi. I’m Marie and I’m the Programme Manager for the institutional Athena Swan award. My role involves progressing the actions the University has committed to as part of our current Bronze award as well as preparing our next award submission with the help of this institutional self-assessment team. My team also support colleagues across the University with their Faculty and departmental Athena Swan awards. Prior to this role I worked in ISS and was lead for the Parents and Carers Network. Through our work in this institutional self-assessment team I hope to be able to support greater gender equality at Lancaster University for all staff and students.

Dr Ann-Marie Houghton, Dean for EDI, FASS
ISAT - Dean for EDI
My name is Ann-Marie Houghton and I have worked at Lancaster for nearly 30 years currently in Educational Research and Curriculum Education Development Academy. During this time I have been involved in a wide range of staff and student equality, diversity and inclusive initiatives. In the past few years as Dean for EDI I have had the opportunity to work closely with the Athena Swan Team on implementation of our current plan and work with central and faculty EDI teams and Staff Networks on a range of agenda covering all equality characteristics. I facilitate the Inclusive Learning Network which offers opportunities to explore teaching and learning considerations with academics, professional services and students. I am committed to working collaboratively and making new connections with others to challenge injustices where they occur and promoting respect and inclusion within our community.

Jo Humphrey, Head of Faculty Operations, FHM
ISAT - Faculty Operations representative
I’m Jo Humphrey and I work in the Faculty of Health & Medicine as Head of Faculty Operations. I have also just finished a three-year term as Dean of Bowland College – a role I found both varied and rewarding. I have worked at Lancaster University since 2019, prior to that enjoying careers within the Charity Sector and the Police. Outside of work I love music, playing in a local Samba drumming band. I am excited to join this group and contribute to enhancing staff and student experiences across the university.

Sarah Kakanskas, Reward and Performance Partner, PoE
ISAT - People and Organisational Effectiveness representative
I've been with the University since 2022 leading the Reward team in P&OE. I've worked in HR for 20 years, previously working at Manchester Uni and Man Met. The commitment to EDI in HE is inspirational and I'm happy to be joining the ISAT team to help focus that energy towards meaningful actions and change. Outside of work, I am mammy to two boys, so I know far more about Pokemon, Minecraft and Roblox than I ever wanted to. For myself, I love going to gigs and watching my team (the mighty Sunderland).

Desna Mackenzie, Centre Co-ordinator, LUMS
ISAT - Professional Services representative
Hello, I’m Desna, and I arrived in Lancaster in 1997 to study for a MA in Values and the Environment, and ended up staying here. My ‘day job’ since 2017 has been Centre Co-ordinator for the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business, and between those dates I worked mainly in the not-for-profit sector for small organisations in Lancashire focussed on community development, sustainability and social justice. Over my professional life in a variety of workplaces, I’ve observed improvements in gender equality, but more systemic change is needed. It’s really important to me that the diversity of professional services voices are heard in the Athena Swan self-assessment process, and I hope to enable that.

Sabiha Patel, Associate Director (Student Wellbeing and Inclusion)
ISAT - Professional Services representative
I currently serve as Lancaster University's Associate Director for Student Wellbeing and Inclusion. I have leadership oversight of six teams in Student Wellbeing Services and contribute to EDI activity at institutional level. I am passionate about the power of higher education in transforming individual lives, communities and societies, and am a keen advocate of universities embracing equality, diversity and inclusion as one of their core activities. I have led previously on EDI/Athena SWAN activities at the University of Leeds and contributed to the University's School of Medicine becoming the first medical school in the country to achieving a Gold Award. I have also acted as a national AS and REC award assessor with Advance HE for several years. At LU, I was a member of the REC ISAT and contributed to the successful achievement of the University's Bronze award. My motivations in joining the AS ISAT are to strengthen the intersections of race and gender dimensions of equality activity.
Professor Anthony Patterson, Professor of Marketing, LUMS
ISAT - Academic representative (Professor)
I am a Professor of Marketing at Lancaster University Management School. My research explores diverse aspects of contemporary marketing, including consumer culture, branding, and the societal impact of marketing practices. Recently, I have focused on research aimed at improving the wellbeing and organisational inclusion of working parents. This work explores the complex relationships between professional and family life in modern society. As a co-founder of the 'Future Families Work' network, I contributed to the development of a 43-page toolkit for managers. With funding from ESRC Impact Accelerator Accounts, I participated in workshops, webinars, and insight sessions to test the toolkit's potential as a catalyst for culture change. This initiative has facilitated engagement with organisations including Disney, CBRE, AXA, Sony, and Aviva, contributing to discussions on family-friendly policies and practices. My work aims to contribute to both academic discourse and practical applications in work-life balance. Through my research and collaborations, I seek to support the development of more inclusive work environments, while acknowledging that change in this area is a complex, ongoing process involving many stakeholders.

Dr Margaret Sandars, Faculty Research Project Manager, FHM
ISAT - Academic representative (Research)
Hi I'm Margaret. My current position at Lancaster University is Faculty Research Project Manager for FHM, although I have previously worked as a healthcare researcher and on the clinical governance team. In addition to my main role, I am also the Chair of RCAD, the career development group for research-only staff in FHM. As a woman with a long-term health condition, promoting inclusivity is especially personal to me, and I am looking forward to representing the views and experiences of researchers from across the university as a member of the Athena Swan ISAT. I currently live in the Lake District, which is ideal since I love the countryside, walking and anything to do with horses.

Dr Elaine Taylor, Director of Student Support & Senior Lecturer in Medical Sciences, FHM
ISAT - Faculty representative (EDI Lead)
Hi, I’m Elaine. I am a Senior Lecturer at Lancaster Medical School where I have been the Student Support Lead for the medical degree since 2011. I have a longstanding commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, leading on departmental and faculty activities in this area as I want the everyday experience of all staff and students at Lancaster to be of a culture in which everyone can contribute, everyone feels supported and everyone can thrive. I am passionate about doing what I can to make this a reality.

Vicky Waddington, EDI Project Officer (Athena Swan)
ISAT - Secretary
I’m Vicky, and I have worked within Professional Services at Lancaster for over 10 years. I am EDI Project Officer for Athena Swan within the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team, working to support departmental and Faculty Athena Swan submissions as well as providing a network of support and engagement through the Athena Swan Forum and Coffee-Catchup sessions. I bring my experience of the Athena Swan Charter to support the ISAT as Secretary.

Alexandra Wilkinson, Strategic Planner – Data Analysis
ISAT - Strategic Planning and Governance representative
Hi I’m Alexandra. I am a data analyst in the Planning and Analytics team, which sits within Strategic Planning and Governance. Prior to this I spent several years based in the Lancaster Environment Centre, initially as a master’s student, and then in a variety of different roles including research, chemical regulation, and project support. I have a keen interest in utilising data to provide insights and support initiatives in the context of higher education and am particularly passionate about how such information can be applied to help build an equal and inclusive environment for our staff and students here at Lancaster. I am therefore very pleased to be a member of the Athena Swan team! As much as I enjoy graphs and spreadsheets, I like to keep busy in my personal time as well. Outside of work you might find me watching live music, bouldering, or getting lost in the Lakes.