
A stethoscope

The Health theme has a wide scope, current areas of strength include spatial and spatiotemporal methods in global public health, design and analysis of clinical trials, epidemic forecasting and demographic modelling, health informatics and genetics.

Researchers in this theme partner with a number of external groups including the NHS, Defra as well as Industrial partners. There are also many training initiatives within this theme run both at Lancaster and internationally, for example, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil) and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome centre (Malawi).

Members A - L

Alexandre Benedetto

Dr Alexandre Benedetto

Senior lecturer in Integrative Physiology

Ageing and Neuroscience, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Biomedical, LIRA - Fundamentals, Microbes, Pathogens and Immunity

Lloyd Chapman

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Biostatistics , STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Gemma Chaters

Dr Gemma Chaters

Lecturer in Population Health


Michelle Collins

Dr Michelle Collins

Research Fellow (PHIRST), Senior Research Associate

Centre for Health Inequalities Research

D01, D - Floor, Health Innovation One
Amjad Fayoumi

Dr Amjad Fayoumi

Senior Lecturer in Information Systems

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , Health Systems, Information Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling

Luis Filipe

Dr Luis Filipe

Lecturer in Health Economics

Centre for Health Inequalities Research, CHICAS, Health Economics

Claudio Fronterre

Dr Claudio Fronterre

Lecturer in Biostatistics (Global Health)

CHICAS, DSI - Health

Derek Gatherer

DSI - Health, Institute for Social Futures Fellow, ISF Fellows 2019/20, Microbes, Pathogens and Immunity

Aikaterini Gatsiou

Dr Aikaterini Gatsiou

Lecturer in RNA Immunology

Microbes, Pathogens and Immunity

Emanuele Giorgi

Emanuele Giorgi

Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics

CHICAS, DSI - Health

Sana Hannan

Dr Sana Hannan

Lecturer in Neuroscience

Ageing and Neuroscience

Bruce Hollingsworth

Centre for Health Inequalities Research, Health Economics

Rachel Isba

Interdisciplinary network in culture, health, ethics and society

A15, A - Floor, Health Innovation One
Hannah Jarvis

Dr Hannah Jarvis

Lecturer in Biomechanics

Experimental Medicine

Christopher Jewell

Professor Christopher Jewell

Professor in Statistics

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Biostatistics , CHICAS, DSI - Health, MARS: Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Steven Jones

DSI - Health, FHM Mental Health Theme, Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research

Joanne Knight

Professor Joanne Knight

Chair in Applied Data Science

CHICAS, DSI - Health, FHM Mental Health Theme

A34, A - Floor, Health Innovation One
Rob Lamb

Professor Rob Lamb

Professor in Practice

DSI - Environment, Extreme Value Theory, Sustainable Catchments, Water Science

Mark Levine

Professor Mark Levine

Professor of Social Psychology

Cyber Security Research Centre (Psychology), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science), Social Processes

Members M-Z

Peter McClintock

Professor Peter McClintock

Emeritus Professor, Research Professor

DSI - Health, Low Temperature Physics, Nonlinear and Biomedical Physics

+44 (0)7761 334260 C506, C - Floor, Physics Building
Stefanie Menzies

Dr Stefanie Menzies

Lecturer in Molecular Cell Biology

Microbes, Pathogens and Immunity

Lucy Morgan

Dr Lucy Morgan

Visiting Researcher

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Luke Parry

Dr Luke Parry

Reader in Environmental Social Science

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Health, Improving global stewardship, Political Ecology , Understanding a changing planet

Guillermo Perez Algorta

DSI - Health, FHM Mental Health Theme, Institute for Social Futures Fellow

Barry Porter

Professor Barry Porter

Professor of Adaptive Systems

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Foundations, DSI - Health, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, SCC (Distributed Systems)

+44 (0)1524 592882 C16, C - Floor, Infolab
Paul Rayson

Professor Paul Rayson

Professor of Natural Language Processing

Cyber Security Research Centre (Data), Digital Health Group, DSI - Foundations, DSI - Health, Lancaster Centre for Digital Humanities, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, SCC (Data Science), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence), Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

+44 (0)1524 510357 B50, B - Floor, Infolab
Jonathan Read

Dr Jonathan Read

Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics

CHICAS, DSI - Health

Neil Reeves

Professor Neil Reeves

Professor of Secure Health Technologies

Experimental Medicine

Barry Rowlingson

Barry Rowlingson

Research Fellow

CHICAS, DSI - Health

Luigi Sedda

Dr Luigi Sedda

Senior Lecturer in Spatial Epidemiology

DSI - Health, Microbes, Pathogens and Immunity

B14, B - Floor, Health Innovation One
Aneta Stefanovska

DSI - Health, Nonlinear and Biomedical Physics

+44 (0)1524 521794 C507, C - Floor, Physics Building
James Taylor

Professor James Taylor PhD, FIET

Professor of Control Engineering

Doctorate Centre in Nuclear Engineering, DSI - Foundations, Energy Lancaster, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Extreme Environments, LIRA - Fundamentals, Robotics and Control, TALOS

C16, C - Floor, Engineering Building
Emmanuel Tsekleves

Professor Emmanuel Tsekleves

Professor in Global Health Design Innovation, Co-Director of Future Cities Research Institute

DSI - Health, Evaluation, Future of Human Reproduction, Imagination Lancaster, School of Design, Work and Health Forum

Wlodek Tych

Dr Wlodek Tych

Emeritus Senior Lecturer

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, DSI - Health, Energy Lancaster, Improving global stewardship, Sustainable Catchments, Understanding a changing planet, Water Science

A514a, A - Floor, LEC 1 & 2
Mick Urbaniak

Cancer Biology and Genome Stability, DSI - Health, Microbes, Pathogens and Immunity

B038, B - Floor, Furness College
Fang Wan

Dr Fang Wan

Senior Lecturer in Statistics

Biostatistics , DSI - Health

Oliver Wild

Atmosphere, Climate and Pollution, Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, DSI - Health, Energy Lancaster, Improving global stewardship, Understanding a changing planet

B508, B - Floor, LEC 1 & 2
Emma Wilson

DSI - Health, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, SCC (Data Science)

Richard Williams

Dr Richard Williams

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Health, Health Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, Technology, Systems and Organisation

+44 (0)1524 592214 D10, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
David Worthington

Dr David Worthington

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Health Futures, DSI - Health, Health Systems, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

D02a, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Eugenio Zucchelli

Dr Eugenio Zucchelli

Visiting Researcher

Centre for Health Inequalities Research, DSI - Health, Health Economics