
A circuit board

The Data Science Institute is built on tripartite foundations of operational research, computer science and statistics, each of which has a long-standing internationally recognised track record at Lancaster.

Our fundamental research in all three disciplines has always been driven by its relevance to real-world problems, and we carry out world-class research across the spectrum of research topics in these areas. Lancaster scientists are particularly well known for expertise in vehicle routing and scheduling, particularly of air traffic, and in applied optimisation work including bandit algorithms and the sequential control of stochastic systems.

We have a globally-leading research group on extreme value statistics, especially with environmental applications, and have developed significant technologies for detecting and responding to change points in data. Our expertise in computational data analysis, particularly for streaming data and forecasting, is distributed across all three disciplines. These analytical methods complement Lancaster's recognised expertise in mobile systems, pervasive and self-calibrating sensing technologies, and infrastructure to gather diverse data and process it in real-time distributed systems.

The Foundations theme will blend the skills of researchers in these areas, bringing together agile teams to address challenges arising from applications, both within the Institute and externally.

Members A - K

Plamen Angelov

Centre for Technological Futures , Cyber Security Research Centre (Data), Digital Health Group, DSI - Foundations, European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI , Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, LIRA - Biomedical, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Extreme Environments, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Security and Defence, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Network and Systems, SCC (Data Science), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence), Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

Alp Arslan

Dr Alp Arslan

International Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

D29, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Onur Ascigil

Dr Onur Ascigil

Lecturer in Computer Science

Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Distributed Systems)

B42, B - Floor, InfoLab21
Alistair Baron

Dr Alistair Baron

Senior Lecturer

Cyber Security Research Centre (Data), DSI - Foundations, SCC (Data Science), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence), Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence), Security Lancaster (Systems Security), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

+44 (0)1524 510037 C34, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Marina Bazhydai

Dr Marina Bazhydai

Lecturer in Psychology

Developmental Research Group

Burak Boyaci

Dr Burak Boyaci

Senior Lecturer in Management Science

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 521900 D33, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Eduard Campillo-Funollet

Dr Eduard Campillo-Funollet

Lecturer in Statistics

Biostatistics , Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Statistical Artificial Intelligence, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Deborah Costain

Dr Deborah Costain

Senior Lecturer in Statistics

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Biostatistics , DSI - Foundations, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Sven Crone

Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 592991 A053a, A - Floor, Management School
Thu Dang

Dr Thu Dang

Lecturer in Management Science

Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, Optimisation

Idris Eckley

Professor Idris Eckley FLSW

Distinguished Professor of Statistics

Changepoints and Time Series, DSI - Foundations, Energy Lancaster, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Matthias Ehrgott

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Health Systems, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 593888 A046, A - Floor, Management School
Mo El-Haj

Dr Mo El-Haj

Senior Lecturer

Digital Health Group, DSI - Foundations, SCC (Data Science), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

+44 (0)1524 510348 C35, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Carolina Euan

Dr Carolina Euan

Lecturer in Statistics

Biostatistics , Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Changepoints and Time Series, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Des Fagan

Professor Des Fagan

Professor of Computational Architecture

Evaluation, Imagination Lancaster, School of Architecture, Space & Place

Jamie Fairbrother

Dr Jamie Fairbrother

Lecturer in Operational Research (Optimisation)

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Allocating Scarce Airport Resource (OR-MASTER), Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Amjad Fayoumi

Dr Amjad Fayoumi

Senior Lecturer in Information Systems

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , Health Systems, Information Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling

Paul Fearnhead

Professor Paul Fearnhead

Distinguished Professor of Statistics

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Changepoints and Time Series, DSI - Foundations, Statistical Artificial Intelligence, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

B23, B - Floor, Fylde College
Robert Fildes

Professor Robert Fildes

Professor Emeritus

Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

A055, A - Floor, Management School
John Fozard

Dr John Fozard

Senior Research Software Engineer

MARS: Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems

Brian Francis

Professor Brian Francis

Professor of Social Statistics

Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Sociology), Social and Economic Statistics

+44 (0)1524 593061 B38, B - Floor, Fylde College
Lee Francis

Lee Francis

Teaching Fellow in Marketing

Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education

D11, D - Floor, Management School
Dan Fretwell

Dr Dan Fretwell

Lecturer - Security and Protection Science

Algebra and Geometry

Peter Garraghan

Professor Peter Garraghan

Professor in Distributed Systems

DSI - Foundations, MSF Supervisors 2019/20, SCC (Distributed Systems), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Distributed Systems), Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence), Security Lancaster (Software Security)

B26, B - Floor, InfoLab21
Alex Gibberd

Dr Alex Gibberd

Senior Lecturer in Statistics

Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, Changepoints and Time Series, DSI - Foundations, Social and Economic Statistics , STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

B37, B - Floor, Fylde College
Kevin Glazebrook

Professor Kevin Glazebrook

Professor Emeritus

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Gulf One Lancaster Centre for Economic Research, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 592697 A047, A - Floor, Management School
James Grant

Dr James Grant

Lecturer in Statistics

Statistical Artificial Intelligence, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Tracy Hall

Professor Tracy Hall

Chair in Software Engineering

Cyber Security Research Centre (Software Engineering), DSI - Foundations, SCC (Software Engineering), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Software Security)

Michael Harding

Michael Harding

Research Fellow

DSI - Foundations, Security Lancaster (Policy, Law and Ethics)

Hansi Hettiarachchi

Dr Hansi Hettiarachchi

Lecturer in Security and Protection Science

SCC (Data Science), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

Jan Hollinshead

Jan Hollinshead

Senior Research Associate, PhD student

Jiejun Hu-Bolz

Dr Jiejun Hu-Bolz

Lecturer in Computer Science

Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

Peter Jacko

Dr Peter Jacko

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Health Futures, DSI - Foundations, Health Systems, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

D02a, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Jessica Jay

Dr Jessica Jay

Lecturer in Security and Protection Science

Combinatorics, Probability

Christopher Jewell

Professor Christopher Jewell

Professor in Statistics

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Biostatistics , CHICAS, DSI - Health, MARS: Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Richard Jiang

Dr Richard Jiang

Senior Lecturer

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Digital Health Group, DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, SCC (Data Science)

+44 (0)1524 510519 B44, B - Floor, InfoLab21
Roger William Lewis Jones

DSI - Foundations, Experimental Particle Physics

+44 (0)1524 594487 B011, B - Floor, Physics Building
Ahmed Kheiri

Dr Ahmed Kheiri

Senior Lecturer in Management Science (Operations Research)

B061, B - Floor, Management School
Rebecca Killick

Professor Rebecca Killick

Professor of Statistics

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Changepoints and Time Series, CHICAS, DSI - Foundations, Energy Lancaster, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Biomedical, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Security and Defence, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Network and Systems, Social and Economic Statistics , STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 593780 B32, B - Floor, Fylde College
Christopher Kirkbride

DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

D42, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building

Members L - R

David Leslie

Professor David Leslie

Professor of Statistics

DSI - Foundations, Statistical Artificial Intelligence, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 593063 B73, B - Floor, PSC
Adam Letchford

Professor Adam Letchford

Professor of Analytics and Optimisation

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)7943 614510 D32, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Mark Levine

Professor Mark Levine

Professor of Social Psychology

Cyber Security Research Centre (Psychology), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science)

Hungyen Lin

Dr Hungyen Lin

Senior Lecturer in Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Engineering of Microwaves, Terahertz and Light (E-MIT)

+44 (0)1524 593013 D19, D - Floor, Engineering Building
Justin Lo

Dr Justin Lo

Lecturer - Security and Protection Science

Phonetics Lab

Guglielmo Lulli

Professor Guglielmo Lulli

Professor in Network Analytics

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , DSI - Foundations, Optimisation

Yawen Ma

Yawen Ma

PhD student, Associate Lecturer


Xiandong Ma

Dr Xiandong Ma

Reader in Power and Energy Systems

DSI - Foundations, Energy, Energy Lancaster, Renewables, TALOS

+44 (0)1524 593700 Engineering Building
Leandro Soriano Marcolino

Dr Leandro Soriano Marcolino

Lecturer in Data Engineering

DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, SCC (Data Science)

B21, B - Floor, InfoLab21
Israel Martinez Hernandez

Dr Israel Martinez Hernandez

Lecturer in Statistics

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Changepoints and Time Series, Energy Lancaster, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Henry Moss

Dr Henry Moss

Lecturer in Mathematics and AI

MARS: Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems, Statistical Artificial Intelligence, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Claire Nance

Professor Claire Nance

Professor of Phonetics

Phonetics Lab

C047, C - Floor, County South
Keivan Navaie

Professor Keivan Navaie

Professor in Intelligent Networks

Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Security and Defence, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, SCC (Communication Systems)

B24, B - Floor, Infolab
Christopher Nemeth

Professor Christopher Nemeth

Professor of Probabilistic Machine Learning

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Foundations, Statistical Artificial Intelligence, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 595070 B64, B - Floor, Fylde College
Qiang Ni

Cyber Security Research Centre (Communications), DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Security and Defence, SCC (Communication Systems), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence), Security Lancaster (Distributed Systems), Security Lancaster (Networks), Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

B27, B - Floor, InfoLab21
Anthony Nixon

Professor Anthony Nixon SFHEA

Professor in Mathematical Sciences

Combinatorics, Geometric Rigidity

B43, B - Floor, Fylde College
Nicos Pavlidis

Dr Nicos Pavlidis

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Jaime Simoes Duarte Marques Pereira

Dr Jaime Simoes Duarte Marques Pereira

Lecturer in Economics and Data Science

Economics Research Group, Political Economy and International Trade

Richard Philpot

Dr Richard Philpot

Senior Lecturer

Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science), Security Lancaster (Policing), Security Lancaster (Policy, Law and Ethics)

Scott Piao

Dr Scott Piao

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

DSI - Foundations, SCC (Data Science), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

B66, B - Floor, InfoLab21
Carla Pinkney

Carla Pinkney

PhD student

STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Barry Porter

Professor Barry Porter

Professor of Adaptive Systems

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Foundations, DSI - Health, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, SCC (Distributed Systems)

+44 (0)1524 592882 C16, C - Floor, Infolab
Kandrika Pritularga

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting

D28, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Nicholas Race

Professor Nicholas Race

Professor of Networked Systems

Cyber Security Research Centre (Networking), DSI - Foundations, SCC (Networking), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence), Security Lancaster (Networks), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

+44 (0)1524 510123 D33, D - Floor, InfoLab21
Hossein Rahmani

Professor Hossein Rahmani

Professor in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

DSI - Foundations, SCC (Data Science), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science), Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

D17, D - Floor, InfoLab21
Tharindu Ranasinghe

Dr Tharindu Ranasinghe

Lecturer in Security and Protection Science

SCC (Data Science), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

Paul Rayson

Professor Paul Rayson

Professor of Natural Language Processing

Cyber Security Research Centre (Data), Digital Health Group, DSI - Foundations, DSI - Health, Lancaster Centre for Digital Humanities, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, SCC (Data Science), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Academic Centre of Excellence), Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

+44 (0)1524 510357 B50, B - Floor, Infolab
Hassan Raza

Hassan Raza

Lecturer in Security and Protection Science

Centre for Technological Futures , Information Systems

Members S - Z

Anna-Lena Sachs

Dr Anna-Lena Sachs

Senior Lecturer in Predictive Analytics

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 521894 D03b, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Heather Shaw

Dr Heather Shaw

Lecturer in Psychology

Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science)

Robert Shone

Dr Robert Shone

Lecturer in Operational Research

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Optimisation, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

D36, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Brooke Simmons

Professor Brooke Simmons

Professor in Astrophysics

Observational Astrophysics

+44 (0)1524 593074 C053, C - Floor, Physics Building
Leandro Soriano Marcolino

Dr Leandro Soriano Marcolino

Lecturer in Data Engineering

DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, SCC (Data Science)

B21, B - Floor, InfoLab21
John Stott

Dr John Stott

Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Foundations, Observational Astrophysics

+44 (0)1524 592396 C031, C - Floor, Physics Building
Aneta Stefanovska

DSI - Health, Nonlinear and Biomedical Physics

+44 (0)1524 521794 C507, C - Floor, Physics Building
Ivan Svetunkov

Dr Ivan Svetunkov

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

James Taylor

Professor James Taylor PhD, FIET

Professor of Control Engineering

Doctorate Centre in Nuclear Engineering, DSI - Foundations, Energy Lancaster, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Extreme Environments, LIRA - Fundamentals, Robotics and Control, TALOS

C16, C - Floor, Engineering Building
Andrew Titman

Professor Andrew Titman

Professor of Statistics

Biostatistics , DSI - Foundations, Social and Economic Statistics , STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Uraz Turker

Dr Uraz Turker

Lecturer in Computer Science

Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Security and Defence, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Distributed Systems), Security Lancaster (Secure Machine Learning and Intelligence), Security Lancaster (Software Security), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

John Vidler

Dr John Vidler

Embedded Systems Engineer

SCC (Data Science), UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language

D29, D - Floor, InfoLab21
Gabriel Wallin

Dr Gabriel Wallin

Lecturer in Statistics

Social and Economic Statistics , STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

B31, B - Floor, Fylde College
Ziwei Wang

Dr Ziwei Wang

Lecturer in Robotics

Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, LIRA - Extreme Environments, Robotics and Control

D11, D - Floor, Engineering Building
Charles Weir

Dr Charles Weir

Senior Lecturer in Security and Protection Science

Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Software Security), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

+44 (0)7876 027350 C50, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Elmira Yadollahi

Dr Elmira Yadollahi

Lecturer In Computer Science

Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre

D12, D - Floor, InfoLab21
Bo Yao

Dr Bo Yao

Senior Lecturer

C20, C - Floor, Fylde College
Peter Young

Professor Peter Young

Emeritus Professor

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment

Alisa Yusupova

Dr Alisa Yusupova

Lecturer in Marketing Analytics

Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting

Maria Walach

Dr Maria Walach FRAS

Research Fellow/Lecturer

Space and Planetary Physics, Space Weather

C024, C - Floor, Physics Building
Emily Winter

Dr Emily Winter

Lecturer in Computer Science

Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Software Security)

C42, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Shiyan Zhang

Dr Shiyan Zhang

Lecturer in Information Systems

Centre for Technological Futures , Information Systems

Jiwei Zheng

Dr Jiwei Zheng

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Applied Microeconomics

Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group

B30, B - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Konstantinos Zografos

Professor Konstantinos Zografos

Distinguished Professor

Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Allocating Scarce Airport Resource (OR-MASTER), Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training