
Misty mountains, with a forest lying in the valley between them

The focus of the environment theme is to seek methodological innovations that can transform our understanding and management of the natural environment. This is a major cross-disciplinary challenge requiring a close collaboration between environmental scientists, computer sciences, statisticians, social scientists, and many others.

The Environment theme aims to develop new understanding and innovative solutions to the dual crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, which are inextricably linked. This time-critical mission requires close cross-disciplinary collaboration between ecologists, environmental scientists, computer sciences, statisticians, social scientists, and many others.

Biodiversity is under unprecedented threat due to habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and other human-driven pressures. Understanding and addressing these challenges requires innovative approaches that can make sense of complex ecological systems, large yet fragmented datasets, and rapid environmental changes.

At the intersection of data science, artificial intelligence, and environmental research, we seek to develop and apply cutting-edge methods that:

  • Capture and analyse the complexity, interconnectedness, and uncertainty inherent in ecosystems.
  • Overcome challenges posed by sparse and irregular data from extreme environmental events and biological organisms.
  • Integrate and interpret heterogeneous biodiversity and environmental datasets over space, time and taxa.
  • Detect critical shifts in ecosystems, such as species population declines or habitat degradation, across scales.

Emerging technologies, including acoustic telemetry, photogrammetry, remote sensing, bioacoustics, automated species identification, and cloud and exascale computing, have the potential to revolutionise biodiversity monitoring. These technologies enable real-time, high-resolution data collection on species movements, environmental conditions, and ecosystem dynamics, while cloud and exascale computing provides the computational power to integrate and analyse vast datasets across disciplines and regions.

AI and machine learning further enhance our ability to process and interpret these complex datasets, offering predictive models for biodiversity loss, early warning systems for ecosystem collapse, and data-driven strategies for conservation and restoration.

By leveraging expertise across environmental sciences, computer science, statistics, and social sciences, we aim to position data science and AI at the forefront of tackling biodiversity loss and broader environmental challenges. Our goal is to establish the Data Science Institute as a global leader in harnessing digital innovation for a nature positive future.


Peter Atkinson

Professor Peter Atkinson

Executive Dean, Distinguished Professor

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, Geospatial Data Science, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Fundamentals, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Sally Cawood

Dr Sally Cawood

Lecturer in Economic Geography

Political Ecology

Emma Eastoe

Dr Emma Eastoe

Senior Lecturer in Statistics

DSI - Environment, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Extreme Value Theory, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 593954 B28a, B - Floor, Fylde College
Yehia Elkhatib

Dr Yehia Elkhatib

Senior Lecturer

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, SCC (Distributed Systems), Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Distributed Systems), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

C17, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Adrian Friday

Professor Adrian Friday

Professor of Computing and Sustainability

DSI - Environment, Energy Lancaster, MSF Supervisors 2019/20, Network and Systems, Pentland Centre, SCC (Pervasive Systems)

C57, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Oliver Bates

Dr Oliver Bates

Research Fellow

DSI - Environment, Energy Lancaster, Network and Systems, Pentland Centre, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science), Security Lancaster (Societal Threats), Security Lancaster (Systems Security)

C20, C - Floor, InfoLab21
Jan Bebbington

Professor Jan Bebbington

The Rubin Chair in Sustainability in Business, Director of the Pentland Centre

Energy Lancaster, Pentland Centre

Andrew Binley

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, Energy Lancaster, Innovation for a better environment, Sustainable Catchments, Understanding a changing planet, Water Science

B539, B - Floor, LEC 1 & 2
Gordon Blair

Professor Gordon Blair

Distinguished Professor

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, FST Sustainability Advisory Committee, HighWire Doctoral Training Centre, SCC (Distributed Systems)

C15, C - Floor, Infolab
Ryan Hossaini

Professor Ryan Hossaini

Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry

Atmosphere, Climate and Pollution, Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment

Harry Hoster

Electrochemical and Surfaces Research Group, Energy Lancaster, Energy Storage, Physical and Analytical Chemistry

Suzana Ilic

Dr Suzana Ilic

Senior Lecturer in Lancaster Environment Centre

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , DSI - Environment, Energy and Environment, Energy Lancaster, Innovation for a better environment, Sustainable Catchments, Understanding a changing planet, Water Science

+44 (0)1524 510264 B32, B - Floor, LEC 3
Michael James

Professor Michael James

Professor in Volcanology

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, Earth Science, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, Understanding a changing planet

B522a, B - Floor, LEC 1
Philip Jonathan

Professor Philip Jonathan

Chair in Environmental Statistics and Data Science

DSI - Environment, Extreme Value Theory, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

James Keeble

Dr James Keeble

Lecturer in Atmospheric Science

Sally Keith

Dr Sally Keith

Senior Lecturer in Marine Biology

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, Ecology and Conservation

Rob Lamb

Professor Rob Lamb

Professor in Practice

DSI - Environment, Extreme Value Theory, Sustainable Catchments, Water Science

Amber Leeson

Dr Amber Leeson

Reader in Glaciology

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, Geospatial Data Science

Mal McMillan

Professor Mal McMillan

Professor in Earth Observation

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, Geospatial Data Science

Leonardo De Sousa Miranda

Dr Leonardo De Sousa Miranda

Senior Research Associate

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science

Diego Moral Pombo

Diego Moral Pombo

Senior Research Associate in Ice Sheet Geodesy, PhD student

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Space and Planetary Physics

Xiandong Ma

Dr Xiandong Ma

Reader in Power and Energy Systems

DSI - Foundations, Energy, Energy Lancaster, Renewables, TALOS

+44 (0)1524 593700 Engineering Building
Douglas Orr

Plant and Crop Science

+44 (0)1524 593476 B057, B - Floor, LEC 1
Luke Parry

Dr Luke Parry

Reader in Environmental Social Science

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Health, Improving global stewardship, Political Ecology , Understanding a changing planet

James Quin

Dr James Quin

Lecturer in Fine Art: Painting


James Robinson

Dr James Robinson

Leverhulme Research Fellow

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science

Marta Shocket

Dr Marta Shocket

Lecturer in Ecology

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science

B033c, B - Floor, LEC 1
Jonathan Tawn

Professor Jonathan Tawn

Distinguished Professor of Statistics

DSI - Environment, Extreme Value Theory, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Wlodek Tych

Dr Wlodek Tych

Emeritus Senior Lecturer

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, DSI - Health, Energy Lancaster, Improving global stewardship, Sustainable Catchments, Understanding a changing planet, Water Science

A514a, A - Floor, LEC 1 & 2
Gordon Walker

Professor Gordon Walker

Professor (Project - Evaluating community interventions), Professor Emeritus, Professor (Project - Wetland Times)

Critical Geographies, DEMAND - Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand, Energy Lancaster, Improving global stewardship, Innovation for a better environment

Duncan Whyatt

Centre for Global Eco-innovation , Energy Lancaster, Geospatial Data Science, Improving global stewardship, Innovation for a better environment, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, Understanding a changing planet

Oliver Wild

Atmosphere, Climate and Pollution, Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment, DSI - Health, Energy Lancaster, Improving global stewardship, Understanding a changing planet

B508, B - Floor, LEC 1 & 2
Peter Young

Professor Peter Young

Emeritus Professor

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, DSI - Environment