Whether your requirements are for a bespoke continual professional development package or for more formal academic undergraduate and postgraduate education, we have a proven track record in delivering flexible modular education programmes that provide the skill sets.

Master's Degrees
Cyber Security : MSc
You will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the IT security profession. We combine advanced technical skills with disciplines such as Economics, Risk Management or Psychology
Conflict, Development and Security : MA
This analysis will broaden your understanding of the present crisis in global security as you go on to study the recent and current responses in humanitarian, developmental and security terms, particularly the links between aid and politics.
Diplomacy and Foreign Policy : MA
This programme is designed to introduce you to theories, issues and processes connected with diplomatic relations, international negotiations, foreign-policy decision-making processes.
Religion and Conflict : MA
This interdisciplinary programme is designed to allow you to undertake sustained and focused study across the disciplines of politics and religion, with particular attention to the topic of conflict.
Conflict, Resolution and Peace Studies : MA
This MA is designed to critically examine the theoretical and methodological issues surrounding the dynamics of peace and conflict in the contemporary world. Engaging with the work of leading peace and conflict studies scholars at both conceptual and empirical levels, you will also address techniques in conflict resolution, such as mediation, in order to deepen your understanding, and to develop practical skills in conflict analysis.
International Law and International Relations : LLM/MA
Jointly delivered by our prestigious Law School and the highly ranked and regarded Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, you explore the theory and the practice of international relations and international law, and deepen your understanding of the ways that legal principles apply to inter-state relations.
Diplomacy and International Law LLM/MA
The LLM/MA Diplomacy and International Law is a flexible and engaging degree that provides a strong introduction to diplomacy, foreign policy and international law, which enables you to deepen your understanding of the social, legal, economic and political issues playing out on the world’s stage.
Diplomacy and Religion : MA
This programme is designed to encourage you to consider the practical processes, ideological dynamics and theoretical dimensions involved in the interface of diplomacy/foreign policy and religion. You will develop analytical skills in the field of religious studies and international relations and be encouraged to engage in cross-disciplinary research, notably with the MA dissertation.
How to Apply...
Applying to Lancaster
Our aim is to make the application process as simple and efficient as possible for you. With this in mind, we would encourage you to apply online using the My Applications website.
To submit an application, simply create an account on the My Applications website and then select ‘Create a new application’ from your homepage once you are logged-in.
Using your account on the My Applications website, you are able to submit applications for the programme(s) which you wish to study, upload supporting documentation and provide us with information about referees. You may apply for all Lancaster University postgraduate programmes using this method with the exception of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) and the PgDip/MA in Social Work. These two programmes are administered by external agencies; please refer to the course search for further details.
Current Students
Current Lancaster Students
If you are a current Lancaster student, or you have recently graduated from Lancaster, we can reduce the amount of information that you will need to provide as part of your application. You will need to provide only one reference and will not need to supply your Lancaster degree transcript. We will also pre-fill your personal details, ready for you to check.
What to include...
What do I need to include with my application?
Using the My Applications website
If you use the My Applications website then you will be advised which documentation you need to upload or send to us. We can automatically contact your referees once you have submitted your application if you ask us to.
The supporting documentation screen will provide you with a list of required documents. These will usually include:
- Degree certificates and transcripts of previous higher education (college/university) degrees or other courses that you have completed/for which you are currently studying. Note that, for transcripts in languages other than English, a certified English translation will be required
- Personal Statement
- Research proposal (for research degrees)
- References
- For those for whom English is not their first language, copies of English language test results
What else...
Postgraduate enquiries
If you are unable to use the My Applications website to apply then you may submit a paper application form instead – please contact the appropriate Postgraduate Co-ordinator:
Politics, Philosophy and Religion (PPR)
For all enquiries with postgraduate study in PPR, please contact our admissions team- Email: pprpg@lancaster.ac.uk
- Tel: + 44 (0) 1524 594262
For all enquiries with postgraduate study in Psychology, please contact our admissions team- Email: pgadmissions@lancaster.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1524 593795
For all enquiries with postgraduate study in Law, please contact our admissions team- Email: pglaw@lancaster.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1524 592215
Science & Technology
For all enquiries with postgraduate study in Cyber Security, please contact our admissions team- Email: pgadmissions@lancaster.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1524 593795