Panel Sessions at a Glance
Opportunities in Cross Sector Cyber Leadership
Different sectors from Government, Commercial and 3rd Sector organisations have different missions, constraints, advantages and ways of working. The diversity in thought, skills, styles, and capabilities gained from having careers across these sectors bring new tools and lenses which cyber leaders can use to develop opportunities and tackle incidents and problems. In this panel we have brought together a group of individuals with experience across sectors, and the advantages and opportunities of working and moving between each, and share with you the best practice they experienced and developed themselves
Innovation in Cyber Leadership for Health
The Health sector faces a diverse set of security requirements from cyber physical systems protection to information security. Digital innovation seen as key driver and enabler of change, efficiency and better patient outcomes, and often cyber security is articulated as putting on the brakes of such innovation. On this panel you will hear from a range of senior individuals charged with the protection of this sector about how they tackle digital innovation and use it to their advantage to keep their organisations safe and how they use cyber security as a key enabler rather than a hindrance.
Becoming a Cyber Leader
Like any leadership capability, a cyber leader can be developed and nurtured. Cyber leaders do not come fully formed and everyone’s journey is different. What makes the pathway more complicated as the recent DSIT cyber Labour Market Survey points out that there is “the absence of comprehensive generalist training pathways for individuals moving into these positions”. The speakers on this panel, who come from different organisational levels, will discuss their own journey, and share their tips and tricks on how to develop and grow into a world class cyber leader.
Leading the Cyber Agenda in the Maritime Environment
The Maritime environment is rich and complex adding cyber security to this presents additional challenges to platforms a sea as well as the land-based infrastructure in the Littoral and beyond. The maritime digital infrastructure provides a utility and opportunity but It presents risks as of diverse attacks against what were once isolated platforms representing threats to life and limb. Cyber security enables this digital infrastructure, and in the complex political international environment, leadership at all levels is need to take forward an empowering cyber agenda. This panel brings together world leading international experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges and how their approach to leading the cyber maritime agenda.
Creating a Global Cyber Leadership Community
No nation is an island in cyberspace! The pandemic has shown us how connected we are and can be, a trend that is unlikely to decrease. The question therefore is how do we build a co-operative and collaborative community, respectful of the individual and their society's traditions while driving forward a positive agenda. Importantly, what is the role of governments in setting this agenda both internally and on the world stage, against the backdrop of transnational organisations which power the technologies that fuel the daily lives of citizens.