Teaching Qualifications & Recognition

There are a range of teaching development programmes available to suit staff who teach and/or support learning on Lancaster University programmes/awards depending on their prior experience and current role. These programmes are designed to sit alongside your teaching practice. They encourage you to draw on insights and understanding from your colleagues, your students and research into teaching and learning in order for you to critically reflect on and improve your teaching.

  • Advancing Teaching: Lancaster Accreditation Scheme (ATLAS)

    ATLAS provides recognition and continued professional development for experienced members of staff. Successful completion of ATLAS leads to recognition of either Associate Fellow or Fellow or Senior Fellow, from Advance HE.

  • Associate Teacher Programme (ATP)

    ATP provides a development framework for those with responsibility for supporting the development/delivery of learning opportunities. Successful completion of the ATP leads to recognition as an Associate Fellow, from Advance HE.

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Practice (PGCEP)

    PGCEP is an in-service programme to support and accredit the academic development of staff who teach and support student learning on Lancaster University programmes. Successful completion of the PGCEP leads to recognition as a Fellow, from Advance HE.

  • Routes to Fellowship

    If you are teaching and supporting learning on Lancaster University validated provision, at Lancaster University and its International Teaching Partners there are 3 routes to gaining Advance HE recognition, click here for further details.

  • National Awards for Excellence in Learning and Teaching

    Please visit either of the respective web pages for further information about the awards, criteria and selection process.

Development Index Planner (DIP)

The Development Index Planner (DIP) can be used to support you in making links between CEDA activity and the PSF2023. The DIP makes dimensions of the PSF explicit, requiring you to familiarise yourself with the Values, Knowledge and Activities that you are expected to demonstrate within your work/submission.