Assessment and Feedback
As you might expect assessment and feedback forms a large part of the Education Framework as it is one of the most important aspects of the learning journey. The Education Framework states: “Assessment must be designed at programme level to ensure it is coherent and meaningful to the intended learning as set out in the Programme Learning Outcomes. Assessment must be valid, reliable, fair and underpin effective academic integrity practice. Programmes must utilise a varied and inclusive range of formative and summative assessment methods. Student assessment workload must be appropriate and consistent with programmes across the University in relation to credit value and Framework Higher Education Qualification (FHEQ) level, with sequencing and timing of assessment carefully managed. Feedback on assessments must be timely, specific and actionable, enabling students to understand their progress and guide their ongoing learning and development. Programmes must include formative activities that advance learning and prepare students for summative assessment.” This resource helps you understand the purpose of assessment and gives some tips on good assessment design. Additionally, it offers support around feedback. Programme approaches to both assessment and feedback are also discussed.