Anna Grisi, Benedetta Buglia & Flaminia Cordani
Save the Children was established as a non-profit organisation in Italy in 1998 and started its activities in 1999. Today it is an NGO recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Besides its engagement at international level, Save the Children Italy has been developing national programmes for more than 10 years, which aim at improving the lives of children living in Italy through intervention in the areas of child poverty, protection of children at risk of exploitation, education, safe use of new technologies and child protection in emergencies.
In all its projects Save the Children adopts a child-rights based approach, established in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and in particular the best interest of the child, the non-discrimination principle, the right of children to participate, and their right to survival and development.
Save the Children Italy Emergency Department has extensive experience setting up safe, designated areas to support children and families during emergencies, and to support caregivers and teachers on child safety and the impact of crisis on children.
Save the Children Italy will lead in collaboration with Save the Children UK on work package 3:
- Work package 3 will through participative workshops, consult and partner with children in order to share their perception of risk, ideas on ways they could increase their resilience and empower them to communicate their priorities and ideas to their peers, communities, policy makers and practitioners.
For more information please contact Anna Grisi, Project Coordinator,, Tel. + 064807001 ext. 519 or visit the Save the Children, Italy website.