Child's Logo

Children and flooding

As severe floods hit the North West of England last weekend a Lancaster University research team, led by Professor Maggie Mort (Sociology), called for the Government to take notice of how flooding affects children. Working with school children hit by severe flooding two years ago both on Humberside and Thames Valley, the ESRC project, partnered by Save[…]

Child's logo

Developing the CUIDAR project logo

We wanted to involve children and young people in CUIDAR right from the start so where better than the creative process leading to the project logo?  Informal drawing sessions were held in Lisbon schools, with the participation of children from the 5th and the 6th grade (10 to 12 years old).

Child's logo

TACTIC & POP-ALERT Final Conference

Marion and Maggie from the Lancaster team, and CUIDAR partners Magda from University of Thessaly and Israel from Open University of Catalonia attended a very timely joint (POP-ALERT and TACTIC) conference in Brussels on disaster preparedness and resilience training. A range of fascinating presentations about crisis preparation, risk and resilience can now be downloaded from[…]

Child's picture of house with rain cloud and gushing water in front of it. The initials C.N. are in the top left

Storm Desmond

The BBC online “live reporting” of events during Storm Desmond has been illuminating – that’s if of course you’ve had electricity. Many people in the affected zones had none, and with no mobile phone coverage over the weekend, battery or wind-up radio would have been their only source of information. “Unprecedented” has been the mantra[…]

Child's Logo

Children and flooding

As severe floods hit the North West of England last weekend a Lancaster University research team, led by Professor Maggie Mort (Sociology), called for the Government to take notice of how flooding affects children. Working with school children hit by severe flooding two years ago both on Humberside and Thames Valley, the ESRC project, partnered by Save[…]

Child's logo

Developing the CUIDAR project logo

We wanted to involve children and young people in CUIDAR right from the start so where better than the creative process leading to the project logo?  Informal drawing sessions were held in Lisbon schools, with the participation of children from the 5th and the 6th grade (10 to 12 years old).

Child's logo

TACTIC & POP-ALERT Final Conference

Marion and Maggie from the Lancaster team, and CUIDAR partners Magda from University of Thessaly and Israel from Open University of Catalonia attended a very timely joint (POP-ALERT and TACTIC) conference in Brussels on disaster preparedness and resilience training. A range of fascinating presentations about crisis preparation, risk and resilience can now be downloaded from[…]