Titans: County v Fylde Sports Tournament

Titans 2025, County College vs Fylde College

From Thursday 20th March to Saturday 22nd March, County and Fylde will go head-to-head in a variety of sporting fixtures to battle out the rivalry between the two colleges.

This is a chance to represent your college and take part. Whether in a fixture, cheering on in the crowd, or joining one of the social activities, save the date and get involved in County's biggest sporting event of the year!

Timetable for Titans, alternative text below

Alternative text

Thursday 20th March

Event Time Location

D’s Football 11:00 Football pitch

Badminton 11:00 Sports Hall

Dodgeball 12:00 Sports Hall

C’s Football 13:00 Football pitch

4’s Netball 15:00 Outdoor courts

Men’s Netball 16:00 Outdoor courts

Chess 16:00 County Bar

Table Tennis 17:00 County Games Room

Football Darts 19:00 Fylde Bar

Friday 21st March

Event Time Location

Rounders 11:00 Football pitch

3’s Netball 12:00 Sports Hall

2’s Netball 13:00 Sports Hall

Women’s 7-a-side Football 14:00 Astroturf

Men’s 7-a-side Football 14:00 Astroturf

5KM run 15:00 Around campus

Quiz 19:00 County Bar

A’s Pool 19:00 Fylde Bar

Women’s+ Darts 19:00 Fylde Bar

Open Dominos 19:00 Fylde Bar

Saturday 22nd March

Event Time Location

Squash 11:00 Squash courts

1’s Netball 12:00 Show courts

B’s Football 13:00 Football pitch

A’s Football 15:00 Football pitch

B’s Pool 19:00 Fylde Bar

Women’s+ Pool 19:00 Fylde Bar

Open Darts 19:00 Fylde Bar

Bar crawl 20:00 Campus

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