Get Involved

Events, activities and opportunities

The JCR Exec works closely with the SCR Exec (Senior Common Room Executive, the College staff) to organise regular events and trips throughout the year, as well as the major events of Winter and Summer Ball and the college-specific events during Welcome Week.

There are a number of ways that students can engage with college life. The County College offers an array of opportunities for students who are looking for a little bit more from their student experience. Participation in some of the activities below can earn students points towards the Lancaster Award. The Lancaster Award enables you to demonstrate the skills and experiences acquired through extra-curricular activities, which are valued by employers and can enhance your employability after graduation.

photo of JCR Exec students

JCR Executive

The Junior Common Room Executive (JCR Exec) are a group of students elected annually by their peers within the college to stand for a variety of roles to help run the college and act as ‘the voice’ of the student body. Roles include welfare, events, social media and sports and are a great way to get involved with the College. Students put themselves forward for an officer role in November each year and elections takes place in December.

Inter-College Challenges

Outside of sport, the college puts forward teams for four annual inter-college challenges, which give students the opportunity to represent their college, develop employability skills, make new friends and gain a sense of college pride!

  • The Sustainability Challenge requires students to work together to develop and present their innovative ideas in reaction to a challenge set by the University.
  • Teams put their knowledge to the ultimate test in the hugely competitive Inter-College (University Challenge style) Quiz
  • The Debating Competition allows first year students, from any subject, to improve their presentation and public speaking skills in a series of spirited debates.
  • Take the Stage in our popular talent show
  • Put your cookery skills to the test in our inter-college Baking Competition
students involved in charity challenge 2018
five students walking together


Unique to County, Intercambio is a cultural exchange programme where students are ‘matched’ with a student from a different country. Intercambio allows students to find out more about their partner’s country, language, traditions and culture. With a focus on informal peer-to-peer exchange, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, and share their ideas and perspectives.


There are various ways to be involved in Sport at Lancaster University; through the Students’ Union sports teams and societies; through college sports teams; and through individual membership of the Sports centre. College sport is a great way to make friends, stay fit and look after your wellbeing. The most popular sports in County are football, netball and bar sports (darts, table tennis, pool, snooker and dominoes).

The date to save for your calendar is 'Titans', a clash of County vs Fylde colleges. The weekend event hosts a variety of sports and activities to get everyone involved, and ends with a big night out to celebrate in the Sugar House, the Student Union nightclub in Lancaster.

two girls playing netball
two students walking together

International Buddy Programme

Studying in the UK for the first time can be a daunting experience. In this program, existing international students volunteer as ‘buddies’ to help first year international students settle into their new environment. Alongside making a new friend, buddies can assist with local orientation and signposting to services on campus and in Lancaster. If you would like an International Buddy on arrival, please email Tania Hughes, International Activities Co-ordinator at:

photo of the curate space wall in county bar with artwork

Curate A Space

The College has an exhibition space in County Bar for the display of student artwork, funded by the Lancaster University Friends Programme. The ‘Curate a Space’ initiative is run by a small team of County students who select pieces of artwork and arrange for their installation. The team also collaborates with college welfare staff to run the ‘Paint Your Own Canvas’ wellbeing/mindfulness events throughout the year. Students can either submit their artwork for display or take a more proactive role and join the installation team!