Students sitting outside near County

Current students

A note from one of your College Managers

Hello and welcome to The County College!

My name is Ali, and along with Dan, it's my job to ensure the College runs smoothly and efficiently and that you have the best experience during your time here. There are so many extra-curricular activities and opportunities on offer in the College, most of which can earn you points towards the Lancaster Award. Look out for our newsletter, which pulls together everything on offer in the College week-by-week, or pop in to my office for more information about any of the activities listed in the Get Involved section.

As part of the College Welfare Team, I'm also here to drop in for a chat about anything that's confusing, bothering or upsetting you. I spend a lot of time talking and listening to students and if I can't help personally, I will certainly know who can. I share the College Office with Anna Eddowes-Scott, County Accommodation Manager. You can find us in A032, County Main (next to the Porter's Lodge) so if you're passing through to collect your mail, it would be lovely to meet you.

Photo of Ali Moorhouse
County College Manager, Ali Moorhouse

What's on?

For a full list of County events head over to the 'News' section on your Student Portal. Check out 'The County' weekly newsletter sent out by the College Manager every Friday during term time, and 'My Lancaster' with information from across the University.

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