Complete Map

Complete Map

The complete map with all places and toporefs shows how the text often works outward from within interior spaces that represent home.  So it moves from the 'Admiral Benbow Inn', via the 'Hispaniola cabin' to the 'Stockade' on the island.  The spaces of the island are determined both from within and from the sea around it – with the 'Anchorage' forming a focal point as well as 'Treasure Island Coast'.  Of course this largely reflects the experiences of the boy narrator, Jim Hawkins, and his movement upon and then around the island.  If we were to map by character rather than by narrative voice then a different sense of space would emerge – the doctor for example would be far more static than Jim, whereas Long John Silver would be moving around a lot within the island in his attempts to gain control and find the treasure.

The tools used to make these visualisations are available on Github at