This visualisation of the entire text is even more interconnected than the syuzhet model as various key toporef side-places provide additional linkage points. The most notable difference between the two core forms of reading is the switch between 'spaceless musings' and 'field'. The latter is given a more central priority in this interpretation being the location from which most of the narrative thoughts are conducted (as opposed to the most frequently visited). The toporefs provide finely-tuned details that emphasise the pastoral qualities of each frame, and demonstrate fairly self-contained narrative constructs within the broader poetic compilation. As the textual form is rich in suggestive imagery and nearly entirely comprised of non-specific spaces there are numerous instances (such as 'the pathway down the wood', 'the wood ride', 'roads', and 'the thickets avenue') that all creatively refer to the same entity, but in different contexts defined by the month in which an entry is set. Although the topological layout specifically arranges toporefs that connect only to a single frame in an arbitrary manner to minimise edge overlap and avoid unnecessary clustering, this instance presents an example where a more temporally-aligned layout (based on a clock-face derived from the twelve months of the collection) might provide additional interpretative value as terms change according to the time of year. Equally, the main map begs for more detailed 'nested' maps for each individual month.
The tools used to make these visualisations are available on Github at